Chapter Four

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The next days went by without any complications. Lena was completing her assignments, showing up to her classes on time, not thinking about Cat anymore. At least it was not her main concern. She was spending a lot of time thinking about her. Especially in class, she was often mesmerized by the way her hair swung when she had it up in a ponytail or the way her lips curled whenever she heard a satisfying answer. Lena couldn't stop watching her every move.

At the end of her classes, she was eager to leave to her room. Their first test was coming up and she needed to study. As she was walking across the hallway, almost out of the building, she bumped into someone, her books dropping to the floor.

"Can't you watch where you're going?!", she snapped at the person, bowing down to pick up her books.

As she looked up with a stern expression on her face, she received an apologizing look in return.

"Sorry, I didn't see you.", the boy she had bumped into apologized.

Lena sighed. Snapping at people would not exactly help her to make friends.
"It's alright.", she shrugged it off. Why couldn't she be a little nicer?

"I'm James.", the boy held out his hand for her to shake it.

Lena frowned, but then shook it hesitantly.
"Lena.", she told him.

"I know. You're in my English class.", he pointed out.

Lena could've cursed herself for not noticing him. He was sitting in the back of the class, where no one could pick on him. And he had probably seen her embarrass herself the previous day.

"Oh god, I embarrassed myself so badly."

"It was not that bad. I've done worse.", James said.

"Yeah, but college is supposed to be a fresh start."

James shrugged, then he flashed her a smile.
"You'll be fine. Where are you heading?"

"The library. I have to study.", Lena pointed at the books in her hands.

"Me too."

The girl raised her eyebrows.
"You're walking in the wrong direction."

"Yeah, but I'm heading there now. Mind if I join you?"

Lena shook her head and smiled back. Did she make a friend? She wasn't quite sure, but James seemed nice, and she didn't mind having someone who studied with her. Petra was her friend as well, but she thought that studying was overrated, and it was nothing she did frequently.

They spent the afternoon studying, occasionally talking, and getting to know each other. James seemed to be the coolest guy Lena knew, he was smart and funny, and he seemed to know the right things to say.

That night, she went to bed without feeling ashamed for what she did that night. Instead, she actually felt happy.

Petra was sick the next morning. It made Lena nervous to know that she would be all alone in class. But she somehow had to face it. Not going was not an option. She skipped breakfast and went straight to their classroom, taking her seat. After a while, she saw James entering the room. He looked around, realizing that Petra was missing.

"Want to sit next to each other?", he then asked.

Lena had never been asked to sit next to someone. Especially not by someone who barely knew her.

She couldn't help but smile as James took the seat next to her. This time, she didn't have to stare at Cat the whole time but instead talked to James. It was a bad habit, she was supposed to pay attention to the lesson, but his stories were so funny.

"Ms Elliot."

Lena was startled by her name, which came out sharp and strict. She looked up to see Cat's eyes on her.

"I'm sorry."
This couldn't happen again. She had again embarrassed herself. Or Cat had been embarrassed her.

"Good. Please stay after class."
Cat didn't play. However, it was unfair that James didn't have to stay. He also disrupted the lesson. Why did Cat only want to see her?

The class started laughing, but Cat shut them down with a strict look and a raised eyebrow. This was the second time that Lena had to stay after class. It was surely something new for her, since she never caused any trouble in high school.

Lena stayed in her seat as everyone left. It was kind of a routine now. She wondered if Cat did this on purpose. If she wanted her to drop out so she wouldn't have to face the outcome of hooking up with her.

Cat didn't look at her, she just took a seat as well, so they were at the same height.
"You're in college and you're giggling with that boy like a high schooler.", she started.

For some reason, it made Lena angry. Cat was playing with her. She was degrading her. Acting like this was all her fault. But it wasn't.

"You're a professor and you're sleeping with your students."
Lena widened her eyes as she realized what she had said. Cat raised an eyebrow.

"Alright. You clearly are upset.", she sighed.

Her reaction confused Lena. This was not what she had expected.
"I'm not upset. I just don't understand why you didn't let James stay here as well."

"Because he is not worth my time."

Lena needed to chuckle at the clear implication of dislike against James.
"Are you jealous?", she teased.

"Why would I be? I don't care about you."

Lena's heart stung. She must've looked hurt, because Cat's features softened.

"I didn't mean it like that. But please just don't cause any trouble in my class."

"I won't, I promise."

They were silent for a while. Not daring to look into Cat's eyes, Lena stared down on the floor. Why was she so naive? Thinking that a random woman at the club could replace the absence of love she had experienced all throughout her life. She was unlovable. No one would ever want to be with her, no one would ever truly care about her. Her mother had made sure that she knew that.

"Did it mean nothing to you?", she then asked. She had been thinking about that for a while. Because it surely meant something to her.

"Lena... I just do this regularly.", Cat started to explain.

Lena swallowed. It hurt. Cat had been so gentle with her, so caring. She had not judged her. Instead worshipped her.
"Okay.", she mumbled.

She suddenly felt a hand grabbing her chin, lifting it up so their eyes met.
Cat looked serious, almost worried.
"But I meant what I said that night. You are beautiful, Lena."

Lena just shrugged. She wanted to look away, lower her head, but Cat's firm grip made it impossible. Lena felt the urge to kiss her again. Feel her lips on hers. Proof that Cat did care.
But it was just one of her daydreams and she was well aware that Cat and her could never be anything.

"I should go now."
She finally got herself free, leaving the room in a hurry without looking back once.


A/N: I don't like James 😋😋

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