Chapter Ten

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Before Cat could open her eyes, she heard a moan.
It was soft and she knew who it belonged to. That girl was unbelievable. Others would feel guilty for being in jail. She was touching herself.

Carefully, Cat opened her eyes. The view was perfect.

"Cat, yes!", Lena moaned. Her head thrown back, hands under the sheets, eyes closed. So gorgeous. So raw.

And she was moaning her name. Cat wanted nothing but to fuck her. Make her scream and cry. Make her hers. She kept watching her, but as she realized that Lena was getting close, she cleared her throat.

"Need a hand?", Cat asked.

Lena blushed, immediately stopping her action.
"Cat.", she stuttered, embarrassment written all over her face.

"So desperate?"

"I was... you were so hot..."

Cat chuckled. She didn't want to make Lena even more uncomfortable, so she decided to get up.
Lena held her back.

"Please touch me."
Lena had tears in her eyes. She needed her.
"Please, I'll do anything."

Cat looked down at her and sighed.
"Lena. You know we can't do that."

"Just once. I need you."

Cat couldn't do it. But God, Lena was so desperate. So perfectly submissive. She wanted her. She ached to touch her.
"Get on your knees and beg for it."

Lena was hesitating at first, fighting with herself. Then her desire won. With shaky legs, she knelt on the floor in front of Cat, looking up at her with big eyes.

"Please. You can do anything to me. Just touch me."

Cat pretended to think about it.
"Fine.", she then said, "get back on the bed."

Lena obeyed, curiously eyeing Cat as she went to a drawer and got something out of it. She gulped as she spotted ropes and a pink vibrator in her hands. Cat saw her glance and her face softened.

"We don't have to do this, Lena."

"I want it, please."
Lena was new to this, but her stomach started to tingle at the thought of what Cat might do to her.

Cat nodded. "Alright."

She tied Lena's arms and legs to the bedposts, leaving her open and vulnerable. She was so wet for her. She was so perfect.

"Comfortable, darling?"

Lena just nodded.

"I need a verbal response."

"Yes, I am.", Lena's voice was shaky.

"Good. You won't be in a second."

Lena let out a whimper as Cat slipped the vibrator inside of her and turned it on. The sudden pressure caused her to gasp.

"I'm making breakfast. Don't dare to cum."

Lena almost started to cry as she watched Cat leave the room.
The pressure was enough to turn her stomach but not enough to make her cum.
She had never felt so much, felt so desperate.
Would Cat just leave her like this? Was this one of her games? Was she testing her?
Lena didn't want to overthink.
After what felt an eternity, the woman came back, a smile on her face.

Lena was covered in sweat; her legs were shaking, and unsteady whimpers were leaving her mouth. She looked so pretty like this.

"My pretty girl.", Cat cooed as she sat down next to her, her eyes connecting with Lena's teary ones, "making such a mess."

"Please.", Lena begged.

"You were touching yourself while thinking about me. Do you know how filthy you are? Getting off to someone sleeping next to you."

"Yes.", Lena cried out, "I am a whore."

Cat was surprised to hear those words out of her mouth, but she didn't mind.
With one hand, Cat turned off the vibrator and pulled it out of her. The sudden empty feeling caused Lena to whine.

"Tsk, be a good girl. Don't be greedy."
She replaced it with her fingers, moving them slowly and gently, just barely enough to cause Lena to moan.
"You did so good, baby.", she praised her.

Lena just whimpered, moving against her fingers to signal that she wanted more.

"Use your words, doll.", Cat's face turned stern, she raised an eyebrow at her.

"I want more...", Lena mumbled, blushing.

"I can't hear you."

Lena took a deep breath. She felt humiliated, embarrassed. But it was Cat. She could trust her, right?
"I want more. Please fuck me with your fingers."

Cat grinned. That was exactly what she wanted to hear. She moved her fingers, hitting her G-spot, causing Lena to gasp.

"Fuck, Cat.", she whimpered, closing her eyes.

Cat didn't stop until Lena was breathing unsteadily and her legs were shaking. Lena was afraid that she would leave her hanging, that she would not let her cum, but Cat didn't stop. Lena felt the warm feeling in her stomach building up, the knot tightened, and she came undone.

Cat watched her carefully. Her soft features. The way her eyes fluttered shut. The way her nose twitched. The way her cheeks turned pink.
She was the most beautiful girl.

"Thank you.", Lena breathed out as she was calm again, flashing a smile at the woman,

"Breakfast?", Cat just asked.

Lena nodded. She felt how Cat slipped a T-shirt over her head, so she was covered. She only now realized how hungry she was.
Cat helped her to get up and walk to the kitchen, Lena's legs still shaking.

Cat had really gone over the top.
Usually Lena just ate some cereal for breakfast, but now she was able to choose between pancakes and fruits.
They started to eat, Cat being weirdly silent the whole time. Lena wondered if she did something wrong. If Cat was turned off by her. By her body. Maybe Cat wanted her to leave. But then she wouldn't have made breakfast. Lena tried to calm down, but anxiety took the best of her.

"Cat?", she finally asked quietly.

The woman hummed in response.

"Did I do something wrong?"
Lena was afraid of the answer. She didn't want to hear it. Hear that it was her fault.

Cat's gaze softened.
"No, Lena, you didn't. We just have to talk.", she then said.

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