Chapter Three

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A/N: it's not Sunday but I'm bored so here's a new chapter :))

Lena dreaded getting up the next day.

Petra had already left when she found the courage to get up and get dressed. She stayed a long time in front of the mirror, analyzing the way the clothes looked on her. She was wearing plain jeans and a chunky colorful sweater, covering everything she wanted to have covered. But it didn't matter, Cat had seen her with less on anyway and no amount of clothes would ever change that. Finally, she could pull herself away from the mirror and grab her books, leaving the room in a hurry.

As she was sitting in class, she was hoping that a natural disaster would happen. Or that Cat would fall down the stairs and just injure herself so little that she couldn't attend class.

But the earth didn't part, and Cat showed up on time, the same bag as yesterday in her hand. She didn't look at Lena this time and simply started her lesson.

Lena was distracted again. She couldn't stop staring at Cat. She had to admit that she was pretty. Her hair was long and ginger, her face was covered with freckles and the blue of her eyes was even more intense in the daylight. She had dimples when she smiled, and her nose twitched whenever someone gave a wrong answer. Lena was so interested in the way she looked that she didn't notice that Cat was standing right in front of her.

"Ms Elliot, I asked you a question."

Lena was startled, she looked up to the professor, swallowing gently. She hadn't listened to a word Cat was saying.

All she got out was one sound, her cheeks turned red in a second. She was stuttering and blushing, letting out unsteady breaths in between. Everyone was staring at her, some of the students were laughing at her odd behavior. God, she was embarrassing herself, but she couldn't stop her body from reacting.

"Could you repeat the question, please?", she managed to choke out.

"I asked about your opinion on Portrait of a Lady.", Cat raised an eyebrow.

"I uhm... I don't know."

Again, the class started to laugh. Lena wanted the ground to swallow her.

"That's an unqualified answer. Ms. Elliot, please stay after class."

With those words, she turned around, paying attention to another student who was willing to answer her question appropriately.

Oh god. What had she just done? Why was she always so awkward, why was she always so caught up? She had to get a grip. She couldn't fail this class because of one night.

As the bell rang, Lena stayed in her seat, her hands shaking, her cheeks already red in embarrassment. It would be so humiliating. Why couldn't Cat just forget about it and go on with her life? Ignore that they had ever met before. The woman was writing something down, waiting until everyone except Lena had left the room, then she paid attention to the woman in front of her. Slowly, she walked towards her.

"Lena.", Cat said, sitting down on the table. Her legs were dangerously close to Lena's hands. Lena felt the urge to touch them. Quickly, she shook her head to get rid of her impure thoughts. She had to focus on the conversation she was about to have.

"Yes?", she looked up to her, heated cheeks. Why couldn't she just act normal?

Cat sighed, getting up from the table again. She walked a few rounds around the classroom, causing Lena to become even more nervous.

"You can't react like this, Lena.", she told her.

Of course, Lena knew that she couldn't. It was obvious and embarrassing.

"Like what?" she still asked. She wanted to hear it from Cat.

"All blushy and nervous whenever we talk."

"I just-", Lena tried to defend herself but was cut off.

"We had sex, I know. Trust me, I regret it too. If I knew you were my student, I would not have touched you with a ten-foot pole.", Cat snapped at her.

Lena was aware that she was right. It was good to regret their little interrelation. But somehow Lena felt rejected. Painfully rejected. Especially because it had been nice to get full attention once, to be appreciated.

"Wow, nice.", she let out, her voice laced with disappointment.

"You know what I mean. Just stop acting like you have a crush on me."
Cat regretted her words, but she couldn't take them back. She didn't mean to hurt Lena. But it was the only thing she was good at.


"Good. Because I can't have you in my class like that. No one can ever find out about this."

Her voice was dangerously low, almost threatening. Lena gulped. She was almost scared of her. Almost. And somehow, it was also turning her on.

Cat grinned as she realized the effect she had on Lena.

"I promise I won't tell anyone.", Lena said.

"Good. Because if you do-"

Lena raised an eyebrow.
"What?", she asked, a sudden wave of confidence overcoming her.

Cat was taken aback by the girl's reaction. She frowned, then she quickly was back to her old self.
"Dream about it."

Lena blushed in defeat immediately and Cat knew her victory. She smirked.

"Since you seem to be thinking about more important things than my class, I expect you to write an essay about your opinion on Portrait of a Lady until tomorrow. Five pages at least."

Her voice was strict, and Lena just nodded. She would have a busy afternoon, but if this was a chance to make things right again, she would do it.

"Now leave. And stop being so obvious."

Lena got up and grabbed her bag and books. She couldn't hold back an eye roll as she left the room, slightly annoyed by the effect Cat had on her.

"I saw that!", she heard Cat's voice before she was in the hallway, swallowed by the mass of students.

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