Chapter Two

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Lena was definitely regretting her decisions from the previous night. She was hungover, the throbbing ache in her head was a painful reminder that she should've cut down on the alcohol. It was a wonder that she had found her way back to campus. She only remembered parts of the night, everything that had happened with Cat though.

"Fuck.", she mumbled as she sat up, sitting up while she held her head with her hands, her face forming into a painful grimace. What did she do? She had never hooked up with someone before, especially not with a woman. Now she had done both, and even though she was drowning in regret, she had to admit that her stomach still twisted at the thought of Cat.

"Rough night?"

Petra was already getting ready, doing her make-up. She shot a glance at Lena through her mirror, flashing a small smile.

"Don't ask."

"Well, I remember you told me you didn't want to go out because you had to study."
She put the last words in quotation marks, mocking the other woman.

"I changed my mind."

Shutting her eyes again to fight against the pain, Lena rumored through her drawer, looking for some painkillers to ease up the progress. When she finally found them, she took two immediately, waiting for them to work as she curled up in her bed again, pulling the covers over her head.

"You will be late if you don't get up.", Petra commented.

"I know, smartass.", Lena groaned.

She couldn't find the strength to finally get up, all she wanted was to stay under the covers forever and drift back to sleep. But it was her first day and she didn't want to miss any of her classes. Though she was not very fond of studying, she was excellent in her classes, and she expected to be excellent in college as well. That included showing up on time.

With another groan, she finally got up, grabbing the first clothes she could find. The color of her shirt didn't match the color of her skirt, but she put it on anyway. After she had splashed cold water on her face multiple times, she felt a little more awake and ready to do her makeup.

Petra was impatiently waiting for her to be done, she let out a sigh as Lena left the bathroom again.

"Can we leave?", she asked.

Lena nodded and grabbed her books, stuffing them in her bag.

She followed Petra out of their room and down the stairs. They didn't have time to have breakfast anymore and Lena's growling stomach was reminding her how fatal this idea would be later. As they entered the building their first class was in, the hallways were mostly empty already. They had to hurry to get into the classroom on time, only a few seats in the front were free, where they had to settle down.

Lena quickly packed out her books, English was her first subject and her favorite class, she had prepared herself multiple weeks before.

Petra just frowned at her, then she leaned over to her.

"I'm so excited for our professor.", she said.

"Me too.", Lena nodded in agreement.

She had gotten along with her teachers in high school, but she had heard terrible stories about professors at college. A little spark of fear was causing her stomach to turn, she had to quickly open her books and start reading a passage to reassure her that she was well prepared.

The sound of the door slamming shut startled her, causing her to look up.
For a moment, time seemed to stop.
This couldn't be.

Lena could feel her jaw drop, her cheeks turned a dark shade of red immediately and as their eyes connected, she forgot how to breathe for a moment. The woman at the front didn't seem half as impressed, though shock was also written all over her face as well.

Quickly, she brushed it off, leaning against her desk after she had placed a brown bag on the ground next to her.

„Good morning, class. I'm Professor Munoz.", she greeted.

Lena tried to pay attention to what the woman was saying, but all she could think about was the way she had touched her last night. It was the worst thing that could've possibly happened. Cat was her professor, she had sex with her professor. How would she get through this class without constantly being embarrassed, constantly having to think about Cat. How would she get the grades she wanted to achieve? How would she ever forget about this?

She swallowed; her shaky hands grabbed onto her books. All she wanted was to run away and never show up to this class again. But she had to in order to get her degree and it was ridiculous as well. Cat was the one who did something immoral, not Lena. At least Lena tried to convince herself that it was that way.

Class was over soon and as she left the room as if she was chased by an ax murderer, she could hear the professor call out her name. She wouldn't stop and turn around; she wouldn't give in to this humiliation. Instead, Lena kept walking even faster, leaving the hallway quickly.

Even during her next classes, she had a hard time paying attention.

Had she just ruined college for her?

It surely was just a fling, a one-night-stand, but she would never be able to look Cat, or Ms Munoz, in the eyes without blushing and how would she hand in any work without thinking about how Cat had seen her scars and other very private parts of her body?

Lena was aware that she had fucked things up. She would never be able to walk around campus with pure thoughts again.

Her worries followed her all throughout the day and even bothered her in the evening when she was having dinner with Petra.

"What are you thinking about?", the woman asked, curiously eyeing her.

Lena almost choked on her food. Quickly, she took a sip of her water to swallow it down.

"Nothing. Classes."

"Sure. Classes.", Petra raised her eyebrows, grinning at her.

"Yeah, why are you giving me that face."

"It's just... did you meet anyone you like?"

Lena's cheeks turned red. The number of times she had been blushing today was impressive.

"No.", she cleared her throat.

"Oh yes, you did. Tell me more."

Petra was invested, staring at Lena with expecting eyes.

"Petra, leave me alone, please.", Lena shrugged it off. She didn't like anyone, and she also didn't want to talk about it. She couldn't talk about it.

Petra just gave her a disapproving look.

"Fine. But I will find out!"

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