A tease.

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Singapore's POV>>

I felt a tap on my shoulder as I turned my head to look who it was.

As I looked over, I see Brunei standing behind me with his head titled in curiosity. 

" Huh, you're reading the book I recommend? " He said and jumps over the couch, landing right next to me as he puts himself in a comfortable position. 

" Right, since now I have the time to I guess. " I said simply with a nod as while, I stopped reading as I put a bookmark over the page that I was stopping at. I put the book down after, right next to me as I turned to face Brunei again.

" So, any idea when are you gonna finish that last bit part on your work project? " I asked, raising a brow, crossing my arms as I stared at him.

A frown formed on his face when he looks at me. 

" Ah- C'mon I'll finish it before the deadline, just later, I swear. " He groans.

I didn't say anything, letting out a sigh. I looked at him before looking at the top celling resting my neck and back against the couch. " If you say so. " I muttered before fixing my posture.  

" Y'know your so caught up on work, is it really that necessary to be all tough and busy like that?"

Brunei spoke as I felt his glare at me, I remained quiet before looking at him, until something caught my attention. I was looking back at him, his phone was on screen, I noticed someone similar that is on his wallpaper. I never seen this wallpaper of his, he didn't notice me staring at his phone's wallpaper as he continues to babble about work. I ignored his words as I fixed my glasses to get a clear look.

Huh, Phil? On his wallpaper? That's interesting... I mean I knew his little crush about Phil since we we're in high school, guess he's still head over heels over him-

" Singa?? Are you even listening? " His words cut me out of my thoughts as I slightly shook my head and turn my attention back to him, I looked back at him with a slight frown before speaking up.

" So you still like Phil? " I asked, his cheeks turned pink with his eyes widened from the sudden question.

" I-I uh.. What? Uhm- " He stuttered his words as I gave him an obvious glare. " I.. Well we're getting close y'know so.. I guess I got caught into that and y-yeah.. " He finally said.

" Well, I guess good luck. " I said, not surprised. I saw his eyes suddenly lit as he spoke.

" Oh and speaking of crushes~ Indo is going to ask Malay out y'know?" He winked at me and gave me a smirk.

I was annoyed but I kept my calm, the flashbacks hit me again from what I heard in Malay's room before he woke up... Well not like I didn't know but I wished I didn't. I let out a sigh to myself as it was quiet for a second. 

" Andd.. I know you like Malay too.. Don't you? " He said... Of course, he knows. He's my partner and we we're friends since childhood after all. I didn't express any emotions..

" You already know. " I muttered in a raspy tone before rolling my eyes as I cut eye contact between us after.

He chuckled awkwardly. 

" Quite a battle huh? " He said, waiting for my reply.

" Not like I care honestly."

I said as my raspy tone fades, I looked back at him as I said that. I crossed my arms, I saw the surprised look on his face, so I raised my brows at him as his smirk grew more mischievous. 

" The Love Triangle " ! Involves IndoMalay & SingaMalay !Where stories live. Discover now