Beach day

251 11 7

{ Time Skip }

Indonesia's POV>>

" Andd.. UNO! " Phil cheered at his first win and gives in his last card.

" Ay, took you long enough eh? " I laughed as he rolls his eyes at me and scoffed. " You we're just lucky, just saying. " The Filipino man debate in confidence as he really did a dab on me.

" So basically your saying I was just somehow ' lucky ' on these pass 6 rounds? " I scoffed at his comment, telling him right of the bat.

" Oh shut up, let me enjoy my first victory for once on this. " He let out a harrumph but breaks character and chuckles along with me as I laughed at him.

" Alright enough with the games! I have been curious, when are you going to ask Malay out??" Phil pushed the cards aside, looking at me with a raised brow while waiting for my reply.

" Again told you once, twice, soon. " I casually replied as I grabbed my phone and opened the calendar app. I looked at the dates, blankly. The point is.. honestly, I still don't know. I just feel like I might pressure Malay or something like it's not the right timing.. But I can't express my feelings out, I just.. Well don't know.. It was quiet in the room, as my reply has fallen into silents.

" Ah, I mean y'know take your time on it. You can do this alright? " Phil sighs but being the crackhead he is.. He tries to encourage me and tries to lighten my mood by nudging my shoulder with a cheeky smile on his face. I can't lie, it worked as always. " Mhmm. " I mumbled out loudly with a slight frustrated tone as I rolled my eyes at the Filipino man, I couldn't help but grin as he scoffs at me.

" Gotta say, is it just me or this week is getting boring? " He said with an unfazed glare onto the ceiling, while he lays his back onto my floor.

" I mean.. I agree bud. " I said at the same time when I lay beside him, also with my back onto the floor. Oren, my little chunky ginger cat suddenly climbs onto me as he lays on my stomach. Phil noticed as we laughed slightly at the scene. I gently pet Oren as he lays on my stomach, I giggled at Oren when he purrs to my pat.

" Hmm. " Phil mumbled as he was figuring out plans to cure his boredom. " Hmmm. " I copy his manner, laying there along with him.

" Wait, how about we go swimming? " Phil suggested with a wide smile at the idea, I mean the idea actually sounds fun. " I mean, sounds fun but gotta ask the others to join along too. Can't just have the two of us only, more people more fun. " I said, turning my head to look at him.

" Of course we'll ask the others, we can go tomorrow! " The Filipino man said in excitement and sat up. " We all can swim right? " He then asked.

I thought about it, oh yeah Malay.. But he can chill on land. I'm pretty sure we all can swim expect for Malay since he had slight trauma of nearly drowning as a kid back then. " Expect for Malay. " I spoke up. " Oh yeah right- Eh it's fine he can chill near the land. " I just nodded at his response.

" Oh! and you should bring your volleyball, beach day you get me? " He said still having that cheeky smile. " Yup I will. " I simply said, sitting back up as I carried Oren aside while petting him at the same time.

" Alrightt.. " He let out a groan as he slowly stood up. " I'm gonna tell them about this, meet me at the living room a'ight? "

" A'ight, got it. " I replied while watching him walk out of my door, closing the door after. I looked at Oren, carrying him in my arms while I stood up from the floor. Placing him gently onto his little pet bed and giving him a last head pat before turning back facing the door. I grabbed my phone that was charging on my bed, unplugging the charger and off the switch. I walked up to the door as I walked through it after opening it, of course closing it after.

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