Chapter 1: Catchin' Waves

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I regret waking up this morning. This lady who doesn’t give a fuck about me is forcing to go to the place I hate most in this world: Melrose high school. No one gives a fuck about me there  either. Why am I alive? I ask myself out loud.

“Vanessa, please come out.” coaxed Annie, my awful stepmother.

My parents got a divorce right before I started middle school, so that was.....6 years ago. Thats when my life took a turn for the worse. I became depressed and I became bulimic. I excluded myself from the world, with the exception of my 2 besties, Valentina and Faith. They helped me out a lot during that time and kept me sane. My dad won custody of me, but I was a mommy’s girl. No one could understand me like she could. So when my mom left, I became introvert. I am the type of person  who holds her feelings inside. No one knows what I think especially my stepmother, Annie. She tries so hard to understand me, yet she fails. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock.

“Vanessa, you have an hour before school starts. It is best to get ready now” Annie sounded slightly irritated.

“Alright, Annie.” I said. I cannot stand that bitch.

I reluctantly climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom ,rolling at my eyes at the sight of Annie, who was smiling.

*Annie’s Pov*

I don’t understand why she hates me so much. I haven’t done anything to her. I met her father 2 years after he divorced her mother. I know she may not like me and may think that I am a bitch, but she’s gonna respect me, damnit!  “Don’t roll your eyes at me, young lady.” I called to her. This had no effect on her at all. She continued to walk and slammed the bathroom door as hard as she could right in my face. Ugh, I will never get through to her. Even if I wanted to, I would need the help of Vanessa’s Father, Michael, who is never here.

*Vanessa’s Pov*

She really just told me not to roll my eyes at her. She’s not my mother, she could never be or replace her. Therefore, I ignore just about everything the bitch says. Before I get into the shower, I turn on the radio,only to hear the sound of One Direction’s “Little Things” playing. Ugh I can tolerate their music, but they’re all just a bunch of little stuck up pricks that know nothing about the real world. I shut the radio off in disgust. Once I get in the shower, I let the steaming water rush down my body, opening my pores. I now realize that I never smile anymore. My life has no meaning to it. My lifeless, green eyes, that once sparkled when I laughed, have no emotion in them. It is a sad thing. Again, I ask Why am I alive?  

After about 30 minutes, I get out of the shower and brush my dark chocolate, lifeless curls out. I pull my hair up in a high ponytail and wrap my body in a towel and proceed to my room.  I put on a plain red tank top, some black skinny jeans and my red high top converses. I’ve never worn makeup. Never.

“Good morning” my dad says cheerfully.


“I made you some breakfast”

“Thanks” I take the bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich to-go , since  its a 30 minute walk to school. Its already 7:35 and school starts at 8. Shit I’ll be late. Oh well.

“Bye dad!”I call heading out the door.

“Bye, love you” I hear him say as I shut the door.

I plug in my ear phones as the sounds of Katy Perry filled my ears, and began the  30 minute walk to Melrose high.Surprisingly I made it there in 20 minutes. As soon as I got there, I saw a group of girls who are know as The School Whores. As usual, they were all talking about me and I heard things like “wow she looks like shit” and “God, I hope she dies”. So I went over to them and said “ Listen up hoes let me call 1-800 choke that hoe for you because you’ve  slept with over half the guys in this school. At least I have some self respect for myself. I’m surprised they haven’t made Hoe Alert buttons. The slogan should be “Help! I’m a hoe and I can’t keep my legs closed!” I have no clue where that sudden burst of confidence came from, but I regretted it immediately because next thing I know, I was being slapped in the face and I was laying flat on the ground. “Nice speech Bitch” one of the whores sneered. As I slowly stood to my feet, I heard a ton of laughter. Then I sprinted out of  the building and went to the shed to get my surfboard and my bikini. I headed down to the beach to do the only thing i’m good at: surf. I saw two figures running towards the waves, as I dived in. As I was looking, I hit a really rough wave, forcing me under without time to breathe.

*Niall’s Pov*

I looked up and it was raining hamburgers and french fries. How lovely. I caught one and proceeded to shove the giant burger into my mouth, then it started screaming and crying. “please don’t eat me Mr. Horan!”

“I’m sorry little burger but I am extremely hungry”

“wake up” the burger commanded in a voice that sounded a lot like liam’s.

“excuse me?”



NIIIAALLLL!!!! yelled Liam

WHHHAT DO YOU WANT??!!! I yelled back

“Its time to go”

“Go where?”

“Surfing, remember?”

“OHHH YEAH!!” I screamed “give me 10 minutes.

I ran to the bathroom and showered, fixed my hair a little and pulled  on my surf suit. I walked out and grabbed my lucky surfboard from the closet.

“Nialler can you get mine to?” Liam asked

“Sure thing!” so I grabbed Liam’s surfboard and we left the house and made our way to the beautiful beach.

As we reached the beach we saw this beautiful girl surfing like I have never seen someone surf before. She was amazing.  Liam and I started putting our stuff down and we raced to the water. Once we further out in the water I noticed that the beautiful girl was gone.



 Felicia here, thanks for reading the first chapter, Vote and Comment and give us feedback :) Tina and I would love to hear your opinions, especially because this is our first fanfic. Btw, sorry about the cliffhanger :P

*New A/N*

Felicia and Tina  here. Because of your wonderful feedback, we have edited chapter 1& 2. Keep commenting, voting and stuff. We love you guys!!

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