Chapter 11: I'll be back

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(Multiple Pov’s in this chapter. Sorry )

*Niall’s Pov*

The lads and I searched for Vanna all day and still nothing. I have gotten little to no sleep these past few hours and I have bags the size of actual bags under my eyes. Liam and Zayn are especially worried about me. It is irritating at times, but I know they do it because they care and I love them for it. Harry and Val have been getting closer maybe too close I don’t want him getting hurt. Faith and Lou are always harassing  each other. It is pretty funny, but I haven’t had the energy to laugh, lately its just so hard to laugh knowing that the girl I want is nowhere to be found. I need Vanna by my side. When we find her, I am buying her a phone and never letting her go. I’m going to make it official. The worry is eating me alive. I've got it bad I never thought of myself to have gotten whipped for a girl, thats not even mine well at least not yet.

*Faith’s Pov*

Whoever stole my Vanna Banana is going to get their ASS kicked. Hard. Normally, Val or Vanna prevent me from doing that, but this time Val said I could and I will do it happily. Vanna has gone through so much and I’m proud to say I’ve been there for her through it all. Her mother left the family when she was young and ever since then, she hasn’t been the same. She used to smile, laugh and joke all the time, but after the divorce, she just shut down. She has been getting better though and now that Niall and the guys have come, the spark in her eye came back and it is probably gone again. Val and I have been worried sick about her. We talked to her father and Annie. Her father is beyond pissed off and it took every fiber in my body not to laugh at his facial expression when we told him that she had snuck off with Niall. He said he couldn’t think of anyone who would want something with Vanna. Annie is also worried to. She really is a good step-mother, but Vanna won’t give her a chance and I think I know why.

*Michael (Vanessa’s dad) Pov*

I am a terrible father. I let someone take Vanessa. I knew I should have checked on her that night. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. This is my fault and it all started when I divorced her mother. We could have worked the situation out. I should have shortened my work hours when I had the chance and maybe she wouldn’t have gotten pregnant by another man. Vanessa doesn’t know that she did that to us. I am so stupid. I tried to ignore the feelings I still had for Ezra (Btw Ezra is Vanessa’s mother) by working. I started ignoring Vanessa and I knew I shouldn’t have but every time I looked at Vanessa, I saw Ezra and the pain was killing me. Vanna became bulimic after the divorce and she was for almost a year and I didn’t even notice. I got her help right away, but she was never the same and I knew it but I still never paid much attention to her. I had no idea she was being bullied and harassed in school or that she knew that famous boy band, One Direction. I never knew she liked Niall. I knew nothing, but I do know who took her and I never thought this day would never come. I remember her exact words before she left the house that night. She spoke with so much venom that it still gives me the chills when I think about the sentence. She said “I’ll be back for my daughter too.”

*Unknown Pov*

I followed the dumb blonde to Vanessa’s house. Aww how cute, he was going to play her a little song and ask her on a date. The sight of this crap makes me want to gag. I can’t stand happy couples. Anyway, back to the mission. He finished his stupid little song and then she began to climb out the window. This should be good. Oh look, the little idiot tripped over his guitar and dropped her. If this mission wasn’t so important I would have died of laughter, but I had to keep quiet. They finally got up and started walking. They were on their way to Nandos. Since when were Nandos in the D.R? Oh well. I bet the little pop star had one built just for him. After they finished eating, they began to walk again and I knew exactly where they were headed. They were going to the park near her house. I overheard Vanessa talking and she said her and her mother used to come here all the time when she was younger. How sweet. Note the sarcasm. She led blondie locks to the willow tree that has thick leaves and branches. This could not be any easier. I’ll just wait until they share a good moment and then snatch her away from him as quick as possible. I waited about 20 minutes after she told her little sob sorry about her mommy. Boo Hoo. I made my move to go get her when I hit a branch by accident. Damnit they heard me. Now they are all paranoid. Let me get this over with. I peaked through the branch and I saw her, so I grabbed her and it was like pulling air. Of course her being the klutz that she is, she tripped over the branch and fell. I wanted to laugh again but I couldn’t. I put the suffocating cloth thingy on her face as I was told to and tied her up quickly. I placed her in the car and we were off to the house.



Felicia here and I want to apologize for Tina’s idea of all the cliffhangers. She is very evil, but  I promise this is the final chapter before you guys find out who took Vanessa  (If you haven’t figured it out already) and why. I hope you all are enjoying so far and I love you  peoples very much!!!!

~Until next update my readers (which is tomorrow)

Felicia you're such a little ____ I was not the one who had the idea for the cliffhangers all Fa Li Li’s fault. Ugh gotta love her!!!:) :D



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