Chapter 7: Out on the town

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Chapter 7: Out on the town

*Valentina’s Pov*

“VALENTINE! WHERE DID YOU- oh hey, Harry, you didn’t happen to hear all of my screaming did you? Faith asked shyly.

“Yes, I heard it all. You have quite a pair of lungs on you.”

“So I’ve been told. My name is Faith, but people call me mouth.”

“Mouth? I wonder why. Harry laughs. I’m Harry” he says with a smile

“I am familiar with you and your band.” she says


“Maybe” she said with a sheepish grin.

‘Its okay.”

“Maybe, we should go get the others and let them know the coast is clear. Is Vanna hiding too?” Faith asks

“Yeah, she’s in the closet with the rest of them.” I say nodding my head in the direction of the closet.

“Wooow in the closet with 1D. Go head girl!!” Faith yells

I start laughing, while Harry looks amused.“

“I’m sorry, she isn’t a shy person.”

“I can tell.”

Faith skips through the theatre and yanks open the closet door. One by one the boys of one direction file out of the room.

“Hello guys.” I say

“Hey Val. Can we call you Val?” Zayn asks


Faith’s mouth hangs open slightly as she stares at them coming out of the closet.

“Guys, this is Faith also known as “Mouth”. Mouth, this is One Direction.”

“ why do you call her “Mouth”? “ Liam said with a confused face.

“She is a very loud person.” Vanessa says

“ she doesn’t seem that loud” Louis said

“ Well you have not seen her at her worst.” I said

“What I heard in the theatre wasn’t her worse?” Harry asked

“Nope, that was just level 1 of her craziness. The screaming is just a warm-up”  

“Bloody Hell what was she raised by wolves?! Louis exclaimed

“Ha Ha Ha very funny, but no I wasn’t raised by wolves. I’m just not afraid to express myself.” Faith says, her attitude full of sass

“Hmmm, sassy and loud. You and I could be good friends, Faith. “ Louis says

“We’ll see” she says with a wink.

“Oh great. Another Louis. Be careful Haz, someone could be trying to steal your bestfriend. Liam says

“This should be good, anyway so what now?” Zayn asks, rolling his eyes

“We could have a sleepover or something.” Harry suggests

“YAAAAAY!” everyone cheered.

“So the boys and I will go set up while you two go and get your clothes” said Vanna.

“I personally don’t think its fair that you get them all to yourself.” said Faith

“Someone’s jealous” Louis said in a teasing manner

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