Chapter 9: Vanessa's Story

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*Vanessa’s Pov*

 I knew he would ask sooner or later. I just wish it would’ve been later, but this is good. It is a step towards me getting better. I haven’t talked to anyone about the divorce besides Valentina and Faith. I took a deep breath and began.

“We were a happy family. I guess. My mom and dad worked everyday from 9-6 and we ate dinner at 7. After awhile, my mom started going “business trips” and didn’t come back for weeks at a time. I didn’t really know what was going on at the time. I was only 11 at the time. I heard them arguing one night.” I took a deep breath. “I didn’t hear the whole conversation, but I heard things along the lines of “how could you do this to me?” “What about Vanessa?” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry”. By this point tears were slipping from my eyes. “My dad came out of their room and he was teary-eyed. He left and didn’t come back until the next day and during the time my mom and I talked. “Mom, what happened?” I asked. I took another deep breath and Niall began to rub my back. “I cheated on your father” she said. My heart broke into two. “Why?” I asked. “I don’t have an answer” She said. For this, I have always admired my mom. She didn’t lie or try to come up with an excuse, she was honest. “Oh” I said in a quiet voice. “You don’t hate me do you?”she asked her eyes were filled with worry and regret. “No, I could never hate you. I love you mom, I just think you made a big mistake.” I said and then I gave her a hug. “I love you too Vanna.” she said taking a deep breath. “Do you think I can fix this mistake?” she asked. “I don’t know, dad left crying.” I said honestly. I had no clue how this would affect their relationship. “I can’t do this. Vanessa, I will always love you. Never forget that. No matter what happens. I have to go.” she said  giving me a giant hug as her tears slipped into my hair. I went to my room and made a failed attempt to sleep. When I woke up, my mom was gone and my dad was back. He came in and told me that they are getting a divorce and that is the last time I heard from her.” By the time I was finished, tears were flooding down my face and Niall was holding me rocking back and forth. I thought it was out of pity until I felt something wet on my shoulder.

“Niall are you crying?” I asked through my tears.

“Maybe” he said. Even though it was dark outside, saw his cheeks turn a deep red. This just made me hug him tighter. I let out a small laugh because Niall is so sensitive and adorable. I really have to stop these thoughts. Just when I was mentally scolding myself, I heard a ruffle in the trees.

“Niall did you hear that?”

“No, hear what?” he asked wiping his tears away.

Both of us shot up and began looking around.

“Vanna stay close. I’ll look left and you look right.” I gripped onto Niall for dear life and I began to look right while he looked left. “I don’t see anythi-” was all I had time to say before I was ripped from Niall’s arms and yanked through the trees. Being the klutz I am, I tripped over the roots of one of the willow trees. The person yanking my arm out of its friggin socket decided to be nice and help me up and continued to pull me farther and farther away.......


A/N- Yay!! We feel so accomplished. 2 updates in 1 day. Sorry about the cliffhanger, next chapter should be up by tomorrow. We hope you enjoy. Vote & Comment


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