Chapter 2: Niall to the rescue

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*Niall’s Pov*

I searched for this girl. I dove underwater and saw her floating lifelessly. No, No, No, No. I thought to myself. I  dove down further and grabbed her and swam to the top. I dragged her to shore. I shook her shoulder. She didn’t move. I shook her a little harder this time and still no movement. I took a fist and pressed in between her ribs, as I began the himelic. It still didn’t work. She couldn’t be dead. So I began CPR and our when lips touched her I felt a connection. her beautiful soft and lifeless lips. I just hope I can save her So I can talk to this beautiful girl. I went back down a second time, when she began to cough. I sat her up, patted her back, and moved her hair out of her face, as she coughed up water onto the sand. I examined her face and all of her features. Her full yet small and plump lips, her small button nose, her long eyelashes that curled upward at the tips, and her wide eyes. She fluttered her eyes open and I saw a breathtaking shade of green eyes.

*Vanessa’s Pov*

“You okay there?” I heard a beautiful, Irish accent ask.

“I’m fine” I said coldly. As I looked up, I saw the sexist pair of blue eyes I had ever seen.

“What happened out there? One minute you surfing and the next you were under water.” he asked with a confused look on his beautiful face.

“I-I don’t know. I lied. Why did you save me?”

“You were drowning. By the way I’m Niall and you are?”

“yeah, I know who you are. Why did you save me? MAYBE I DIDN’T WANT TO BE SAVED! DID YOU EVER THINK OF THAT? I yelled ignoring his question.

“Sorry for saving your life, but what would a beautiful girl like you be doing trying to take her life away?“ he asked innocently

“None of your business and why do you care anyway?”

“I haven’t known you for that long, but I can tell you don’t deserve to die now. You are too beautiful. What’s your name love?”

“Ugh, you’re so cheeky and my name is Vanessa”

“That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Would you mind if I ask you for your number?”

“I don’t have a phone. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going home now”

“Let me walk with you”

“Awwww,that’s sweet. But No!”

“”Pllleaaase” he pleaded giving me the puppy eyes.  

“Okay.” I said. I couldn’t resist, his big blue orbs were just so hypnotizing. Wait  I can’t think like this. It is Niall Horan . He’d never want me. what am I thinking, I don’t even like him. I think.

“But can I at least get you something to eat?

“Okay” At this point I was saying anything just so he can leave me alone.

*Niall’s Pov*

I almost forgot about Liam.

“I will be back in 3 minutes” I told her.

“LILI!!!” I yelled running back into the ocean

“Yea Nialler?”

“I met a girl and I’m going to walk her home and take her to get something to eat”

“That’s fine, I guess Niam will have to wait later”

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