Chapter 13: Vanessa is back

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*Valentina’s Pov*

Faith and I are worried sick about Vanna and we miss her like crazy. The only distraction we’ve had are the guys and even they couldn’t take our minds off of Vanna completely. Our little group just isn’t the same without her. I’m the oldest out of the three of us. I am turning 18, Vanna just turned 17 and  so did Faith. Vanna being in the middle meant she was the one who held us together. She always knows what to do in almost any of the situations we’ve ended up in. I usually got us into the situations and Faith made them worse in an entertaining way. Tonight, we have finally stopped moping around and are going out to eat with the guys for two reasons. One, to take our minds off of Vanna and Two, to help Niall feel better. According to Harry, he hasn’t done much of anything during Vanessa’s absence, so he finally agreed to come out with us tonight. Hopefully we will get there on time, but Faith has been in the shower for about 45 minutes and is currently in the shower and she should be getting out soon after she is finished singing highschool musical. She is a very loud person but we love her anyway.

“We can, work this out Dun Dun DUN!” She yells as she opens the bathroom door and poses. Clouds of steam float out the door behind her when she flings it open and I burst out laughing.

“Don’t hate on my vocals” she says as she picks up her bag and leaves to get changed in the guest room.

“Oh trust me, I’m not!” I call as she shuts the door. I go to my closet to pick out an outfit for the dinner . I hopped in the shower and washed my hair. I don’t have to shave because I’m not a hairy person. I then get out the shower and blow dry and straighten my hair, As I am straightening my hair, Faith comes out of the guest room dressed in a very cute floral print dress with a love belt. She left her natural and it still manages to look perfect.

“How do I look she asks twirling around.

“You look flawless” I tell her.

“I know” she smiles. “Just kidding, you need to hurry up. Can I finish your hair?” she asks me.

“Please.” In about 10 minutes Faith has my hair curled to perfection. “Than-” I begin, but am cut off with a very loud “sssshhhhhhh” and a hand in my face.

“Don’t even mention it, just put the dress on and your shoes so we can go” Faith says.

I then put on the dress, shoes, and the accessories and spray a bit of perfume on and I am ready to go.

“You look Gone-with- the-wind fabulous” Faith comments

“Oh thanks.” I say shyly. Hopefully Harry will like- My thoughts are interrupted by Faith.

“OOOH, Thats why you’re all fancy. I see you’re trying to impress a certain curly haired british boy.” Faith says with a smirk.

“How do you know?”

“I’m a mind reader.” She says with a duh tone.

“You didn’t know? Okay I’ll show you.” she gave me this crazed look and I backed up a few steps.

“You think I am crazy and that I am lying.” She said with a calm voice.”And I am lying. You need to tell your thoughts to stay in your head.”

“Oh. But how did you know I think you're crazy?”

“Because everyone thinks that.”

“You’ve got a point there.”

“Well lets get out of here and go meet up with guys.” Faith says looking in the mirror one more time.

**At Dinner**

Faith’s Pov

We arrived at the restaurant and met up guys. As we gave them all hugs and kisses, I noticed how dressed up they were. They all looked like they were going to the vma’s or  

something. Basically they  looked gorgeous. We sat down at our table and we all got wine. As we were talking and laughing, my phone rang and I saw that it was a private number. I quickly excused myself from the table and went to the bathroom.


“Hey Faith, Its Michael. Vanessa’s dad.”

“oh Hi,How are you?”

“I’m fine. Vanessa is back.”

“Okay, we’ll be right over.”

“great, bye”

“see you soon.”

I practically ran back to the table and Louis was the first to see the frantic look on my face.

“What’s wrong love?” he asked. Everyone’s heads turned towards me and it got really quiet.

“Michael just called. Vanessa is Back.”


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