Chapter 12: John (Part 1)

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*Vanessa’s Pov*

I fell asleep in the stupid box of a room considering there was nothing else to do. I wonder how long I’ve been in here? Oh well, I am so hungry. I miss Niall and the guys and Faith and Val. Ugh this is torture! I heard a voice say that we have to wait. Wait for what? I am so confused. Why did she get someone to kidnap me? She knows where I live and all she had to was ask. I will never understand some people. As if he was reading my thoughts, the man who (I assume) carried me here, came in and untied me. Then he spoke.

“Its time”

“Time for what?” I asked

“Get your clumsy ass up and come and find out!” he screamed. How did he know I was clumsy?

“You don’t have to yell” I mumbled

I got up and followed the very RUDE man down the steps and there  she was just sitting on  the couch like she expecting me.

“Vanessa!” she cried as she jumped off the couch to give me a hug. My body stiffened as she wrapped her arms around me.

“You don’t love me anymore?” She asked. I could almost hear her heart break and it made me want to cry.

“I-its-I” I couldn’t find the words to say. I took a deep breath and tried to speak again.

“Its not that. I just don’t appreciate not seeing you for 6 years and then you kidnap me? For what?” I asked softly

“Have a seat Vanessa.” she said motioning to the couch across from her.

“Start talking” I said

“Your father and I got a divorce because... I-I cheated on him.”


“He was working all of the time and I just never saw him anymore and I missed him and I grew  lonely. Then a man at the office took me out to lunch and then one thing led to another. “

“ What do you mean one thing lead to another?” I asked slightly harsher than I intended.

“ Umm... I-I-I got pregnant and the guy who kidnapped you, He’s my son.” She said barely above a whisper.

“WHAT?! YOU HAD SEX WITH SOME GUY AND HE GOT YOU PREGNANT AND YOU GET HIS SON TO KIDNAP ME?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THAT AND...and the worst thing about it is that you cheated on Dad. How could you? I can’t even look at you right now.” as I finished my rant, the tears streamed down my face.

My Mom began sobbing and choking before she could speak again.

“I know. I am truly sorry that I did that to you and your Dad. I truly am. she said as she pulled me into a hug. I was reluctant at first, but I gave in and I knew that she was telling me the truth.

“what’s his name?” I asked softly

‘whose name?” she asked as she wiped her tears away.

“Your son’s name. You know, the one who kidnapped me.”

“ Oh John”

“ His name is Oh John?”

She chuckled “ No his name is not Oh John. His name is John”

“Ohhh. What kind of name is John for a Dominican person?” I asked after I laughed at myself. Sometimes I can be so clueless.

“ His father is caucasian.”  

“Okay” I said with a sigh.

“Would you like to meet him?”

“I don’t think he likes me compared to the way he tied me up and didn't feed me. Like he sees I’m black, black people need their fried chicken.” I said jokingly trying to build our relationship since the last time we’ve spent time together. I don’t really know how long its been. I guess I just tried to forget about her, but now that she is back into my life I start to remember all the good times we had together. How she was great mom. She  is... I just - I just  wish she had kept in touch so things wouldn’t be as awkward as they are now. I snapped out of my thoughts remembering that she was still talking to me.

“ I’m sure he likes you why wouldn’t he?”

“ Okay you have a point”


Ugh this will be interesting meeting the person that kidnapped me who is also my brother well half brother to be exact.

                       But I spoke too soon I don’t know what’s really coming...

                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~

                                                                     Part 1


So that was part one of chapter 12 and yeah we hope you liked the chapter and we wll try to update tomorrow but we're not sure and yeah! We hope you have a wonderful night.

By the way if you want to talk to us you can DM us. Also if you want we will read any of your fanfics you write just tell us and we will get around to it! KK! :) :D




PS. Fa Li Li here: I have to say that I do not happy about the length of this chapter. I promise that there will be a much longer chapter tomorrow. Tina and I feel really guilty and I just want to say sorry for any disappoinment. 

<3 <3 <3

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