Author's note

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I really hate authors by the way because they basically scam the readers into thinking the person actually upated but they didn't. They just wrote an authors note which sucks, but yet here I am writing one which makes no since but whatever. Me and Fa Li Li feel really bad for not updating in like a month but its almost are bithdays and yeah so maybe afterwards, you'll get an update. Sorry I got destracted but after this week we will try to update. I was going to try to finish it up today and maybe post it but I just realized I forgot what we wrote which is kinda sad but its what happened. So whenever Felicia decides to pick up the phone, then we will update but until then I guess it will be on hold.  We are really sorry but our school is stupid and packs as much crap we have to do in like a year and its very annoying and shit. So yeah sorry and this probably doesn't make sense because Felicia puts all the punchuation in because I hate doing that so yeah thats life for us.

~ Love TIna 

and maybe Fa Li Li

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