Chapter 8: A night with Niall Horan

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I plopped down on my bed and lay like a starfish. I began to cry, just thinking about everything that happened between Anne, My dad and I. I just wish my mom was here. I found myself slowly going to sleep until I heard three little taps on the window. Being the curious person I am, I get up to investigate. I look down and I see Niall standing there with his guitar and he began playing Out on the Town by F.U.N (Play it now!!!).

“Niall what are you doing?” I  asked once he finished his beautiful singing.

He began singing again

“Now I’m causing a scene. Thinking you need a reason to smile. Oh no. What have I done? There i no one to keep me warm.”

“Will you keep me warm, Vanna bear?”

“Of course” I say with a smile from ear to ear plastered on my face


(The same night)

I, stealthily began to climb out of my window to meet Niall. I worked my way down the tree and I was hanging off of a branch, preparing to jump down until I heard a tweet. No, no, no please shut up bird. I whispered to myself. Then the stupid bird began to tweet louder and decided to peck my hand!

“Nialllll” I squealed as quietly as possible.

“Yes love?” he asked looking up.

“Please help me”

“Oh right! sorry” he said. He placed his guitar gently in the grass and then he grabbed my legs to help me down from the tree. I let go of the branch and the little prick decided to stop pecking my hand and then the unthinkable happened. Niall tripped over his guitar strap and I fell on his bum, while I flew out of his arms and face planted into the grass.

“uuuughhh” Niall groaned.

I groaned even louder and I meant to say nice going Niall, but it came out “fice foing fiall” because I am face down in the grass.

Niall let out a loud laugh and asked “what?” as he went to help me up.

“I said nice going Niall” I replied as I dusted myself off.

“ohh, sorry vanna.”He said with a sheepish look on his face.

“So where are going?”

“Well, we can go to nandos (we know there's no nandos there) and then walk through the park”.


“And we’re off!”Niall yelled. I laughed as he laced our hands together and we began to skip to nandos.  


* * * * * * *

“I’m stuffed” Niall groaned.

“awww, same” I said as I layed my head on his shoulder. Niall decided to order the entire menu and we ate it all. I mean EVERYTHING. We licked our plates clean and sucked any flavor left on our fingers. It was the best thing I have eaten in awhile.

“I think we need that walk now” Niall said with a laugh

“Definitely. Just five more minutes. I can’t move.” I groaned again.

“Sure love” Niall said. We sat in a comfortable silence letting our food digest a little more before we went on our walk. While sitting I began to think, Niall and I have gotten pretty comfy with each other these past few weeks. I really enjoy hanging out with him and he is super adorable. These thoughts have to stop. I can’t love/like anybody, not after what happened. My life is screwed up in so many ways. I need help.


*Niall’s Pov*

(Before Vanessa was grounded)

“Okay lads, lets go and get the house ready for Vanna and her friends” Louis said. We all piled into the van and Louis took off. Once we pulled up to the house, Liam said the smartest thing in the world.

“We didn’t give the girls our address did we? Liam asked. A very awkward silence fell over the van.

“WAIT! Vanna knows where we live. I mean she has been staying with us for the past few weeks.” I yelled out.

“Oh yeah.”  Zayn said, nodding in agreement.

“Well let’s go and get the house ready and then we will wait.”Liam said.

So we took about 30 minutes cleaning, getting out blankets and pillows, and making snacks for us in the girls. I was scolded by Liam for sneaking food while they were setting it up. Curse Liam and his Daddy Direction ways. It was around midnight when Liam said we should all go to bed because they aren’t coming. We all said our goodnights and headed to bed. Of course, I had other plans. I waited until everyone was asleep, grabbed my guitar and then I called our driver and he drove me to Vanna’s house.

I ninja rolled around on the front lawn and crawled to the back of the house. I threw a few rocks to the window and waited and Vanna appeared. I began to sing Out on the Town by F.U.N in hopes that she would come on the late-night date with me. She said yes and began to climb down the tree, while I tuned my guitar. She had trouble because the bird started to peck her hand and chirp. She asked for help and I placed my guitar on the ground and began to help her. But me being the idiot that I am, I tripped on the guitar strap and dropped her.

After helping her up we went to nandos and ate everything on the menu. She laid her head on my shoulder and I began to think. I truly like this girl. She is different and beautiful, yet damaged. I can see it in her bright green eyes that there is something bothering her. Whatever it is, she is afraid of it.

“Okay we can go now” she says as she shoots out of her seat.

I laugh at her sudden mood change and followed her out the door. I let her lead the way and she took us to a lovely park. She lead us to a willow tree and the branches touched the ground. She moved them out the way and inside was a small lake and it was surrounded by the unique trees and in the middle of them was a hole and it gave the perfect view of the stars.

“Woah” I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding.

“Beautiful isn’t it?”

“It is breathtaking” I said still looking around in awe.

“My mom and I used to come here all the time” She said looking down.

“What happened to her?” I asked........

Find out next week what happens or in our case maybe 2 months!!! Haha we’re evil!!!!!:):D



    Tina and Felicia

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