Chapter 6: She's the one

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*Harry’s Pov*

I saw a bunch of girls start running towards us then all of a sudden we are  forced into a closet and I hear a girly squeal, that doesn’t belong to Vanessa. Instead, it is a  gorgeous girl.  I end up squashed against her and I looked into her eyes and felt a connection with this amazing girl.

“I’m Valentina, one of Vanessa’s besties so don’t worry, I am not some crazed ass fan trying to rape you guys. Unless you want me too” Valentina said with a Cheeky smirk.

As those words fell out that perfect pink lips I instantly fell for her. Although it was dim in the small closet, I could still see her breathtaking features. Her curly hair fell upon her beautiful shoulders the way her light brown shin shin glided among the dim lighting and her curves that were stunning. Then I lifted my head up and saw her stunning gray green eyes that suited her very well.

“well if you want to-”I start with a smirk on my face.

“Harry!” Liam exclaims.

“well she offered!” I say with an innocent smile.

“Harry hush. Guys this is 1 out 3 of my bestest friends. The other two should be here.” says Vanessa

“Oh yeah, I lost them.” Valentina says with a shrug. Her beautiful shoulders. What is wrong with me?!

“Not again. Go find them!” Vanessa says pointing to the closet door.

“Finnnneee.” Valentina says, trudging out the closet.

“I’ll come with you!” I state happily

“Whatever floats your boat, curly fry”

Curly Fry. No one has ever called me that before, just curly. It rolls off of her tongue so beautifully- okay, these thoughts have got to stop.

“ummm Harry” she says snapping in my face. Her hands smell nice.

“yeah, sorry. Soo what brings you here?” I ask trying to make the situation a lot less awkward.

“Well, Vanna texted me, telling me she has some people  she wants me to meet. Apparently, it was you guys.” she says with a warm smile

“Cool. If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?”

“17. You?”


“cool, so how does it feel to be in the most popular boy band in the world?”

“pretty good, exhausting, but good”

“I-”. just when she was about to respond a very loud person began screaming her name.


“Oh nooo just shut up now before I slap you.’ I heard Valentina groan

“Who is that and why is she screaming?” I asked cringing at the volume of her voice.

“That is Faith. she is also in our trio of friends. She is considered the crazy one.”

“And what are you considered in the “trio”?

“The flirt.” she said with a wink.

And that's when I knew she was the one.


A/N: Fa li li here. Sorry about the late update. But here is chapter 6 and chapter 7 will be coming soon. It will be longer, we promise.

P.S I apologize for Tina's cliffhanger in the last chapter. She is a special one. Felicia I am not the only special one here!!!:P


Tina & Felicia - T&F

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