Chapter 12: Meeting John (Part 2)

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“Do I have to?” John called from somewhere else in the house.

“Yes!!” my mom yelled.

“Ugh, fine. Here I come.” he said and then I heard heavy footsteps coming down the steps.

“John this is your half sister, Vanessa and Vanessa this is your half brother John.” Mom said with a happy tone

“Hey” I said. He didn’t say anything in response and I realized I was being rudely ignored by a certain kidnapper.

“John, be kind to your sister.”

“Half sister and why should I be kind to her?”

“Because you too are related and you will be seeing her a lot  more often.” My mom said with a stern voice.

“Blah, blah, blah” John said and walked off.

“That went well.” I commented.

“Ha ha ha.” my mom said rolling her eyes. So I stuck my tongue out at her.

“Anyway, I suppose you should be getting back soon. I’m pretty sure your father is pulling his hair out looking for you and that pop star boyfriend of yours.”

My body froze at the thought of Niall and my father. They must be worried sick! What about Val and Faith. I silently chuckled at the thought of how Faith would be taking this. I definitely should be getting back.

“Yeah, I really think I should get back soon. Buy why exactly did you kidnap me. I mean was it necessary” I asked getting quite serious.

“It was because you would have never come on your own and I don’t think Annie and your father would be too happy with me just showing up. So I did what I thought would work. I also promised your father I would be back for you” My mom explained.

“Well I’m not living with you if that is what you expected. You left me at the most awkward stage of my life. Dad neglected me and I had to grow up alone because you weren’t there.” I spat bitterly

“I’m sor-” She started, but I cut her off.

“No you aren’t. If you were, you wouldn’t have waited this long to come and get me, let alone kidnap me?!”

“Vanessa I-”

“No, I don’t want to hear it. You don’t even know me or what I have gone through. Can I just leave now?” I asked. At this point, I was in tears. I couldn’t control myself. I mean who does she think she is? She can’t just force me back into her life and pretend everything is okay.

“I’ll get John to drive you home.” She said barely above a whisper. Less than a minute later, John came out and he was walking towards the front door. I just got up and followed him, not even bothering to say goodbye to my mom.

*Niall’s Pov*

It has been a few days now and still no Vanna. I have run out of tears to cry and I haven’t been doing much of anything lately. All the lads are worried about me. I just can’t help it. I miss her so much and it is killing me. When she comes back I’m asking her to be mine. I’ve already made up my mind. I love her and I know it. It has only been about a month, but I have never been this upset over a girl, then again, none of the girls i’ve fancied were kidnapped. We’ve talked to her father again and he said his ex-wife took her and he is positive about it. He said he doesn’t know when she’ll be back, but he does know that Vanessa will be unharmed when she returns. Ezra (Vanessa’s mom) loves her too much to let anything happen to her. This piece of information took off some the stress I’ve had lately. I am still confused as to why her own mother would kidnap her. From what Vanna told me, her mother loves her a lot. My thinking was interrupted by a knock.


“Can I come in?” Louis asked.

“Of course.” I said and I made room for him on my messy bed.

“Look Niall, I know you are upset right now, but Vanna will come back. I just know it and when she does we will all go out and celebrate and you can ask her to be your girlfriend. I’m not going to even say if because I know she will. You too are made for each other. Now show me your pearly whites!” Louis said poking me in my cheeks. I had to smile. The thought of Vanna and I being made for each other made my heart race.

“There they are!” Louis exclaimed. “Now, why don’t you go and clean yourself up and we(the lads, Val and Faith) will all go out for some food, yeah?”

“Sounds good to me, I’m starving” I said.

“Alright then, mate. I will see you in a bit” Louis said giving me a hug and leaving the room.

Louis’s pep talk made me feel so much better. I thought that the other lads had given up, but I was wrong. I now had a feeling my Vanna will be back very soon.

*Vanessa’s Pov*

**In the Car**

The car ride was very silent. It was so silent, I could hear myself blink. So i decided to break the silence.

“Soo, John” I started. “How old are you?”

“ 17”

“But, then-”

“Yeah, Mom cheated shortly after you were born and told you and your father later on”


“I lived with my dad up until she told you.

“Okay, wait, let me get this straight. Mom cheated shortly after I was born and had you. You lived with your dad and then she finally decided to be a woman and tell us and the she left to take care of you?”


“Why didn’t she tell me all of this when I was with her?”

“Because she knew you would’ve never made an attempt to get along with her.”

“She is right about that, I never want to see her again. Anyway, what school do you go to?”

“The same school as you. I know what you go through. I’m not stupid.”

“I was not expecting that.”

“Yeah I know. Do you plan on going back?”

“Eventually. I just want to get all of this over with first and then go back.”

“I think you need a makeover and start standing up for yourself.”

“I guess. Its just easier to ignore it.”

“Whatever you say.”

“I have a question”


“Why were you so cruel to me? I didn’t expect you to be this nice.”

“I didn’t exactly like the idea of you coming into the picture, but you’re pretty chill.”


“You’re here.” He said. I looked up and sure enough we were in front of my dad’s house.

“Wait what’s your number?” he asked.

“Umm, I don’t have a phone, but you could write yours down and I’ll call you.”

“Okay and you should really get a phone.” he said writing his number down.

I laughed and replied “I know. Thanks for the ride and I’ll see you around, I guess.”

“Yup bye Vanessa” he called from the car.

Here goes nothing, I thought to myself as I opened the door to my home.


Sorry about the wait I was at overnight camp and yeah so their will probaly be two updates today!!!!



Oh yeah, Give us your opinions on John. Do you guys like him? Hate him? 



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