Chapter 14: It's about time

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Vanessa’s Pov

“Dad?!” I call throughout the house. He runs down the stairs two at a time and wraps his very strong arms around me and lifts me in the air.

“Vanessa I missed you so much!” he says into the hug.

“I missed you too dad, now can you please stop squeezing me?”I ask. He is crushing my rib cage.

“Oh yeah, sorry. I just love you so much.”

“It’s okay, I missed you a lot too.”

“Are you hurt? Injured?Dehydrated?Do yo-

“Dad! I am fine.”I cut him off laughing.

“So what is that on your ankle?” he asks pointing to my ankle. I look down to see a small purple bruise.

“Oh, I tripped on a branch and I guess I hit my ankle harder than I thought.”

“Are you sure?”


“Okay, now that I know you’re okay, Who kidnapped you and why?”

“It was mom, well technically my half-brother kidnapped me, but he brought me to my mom.”

“Did she say why?”

“She said she wanted to contact me, but wasn’t sure how to.”

“So she kidnaps you?! That woman is so-

“Hey, I know you're angry but she’s still my mother.”

“Your right. Your friends have been worried sick about you. Especially Neil I think.

“Dad his name is Niall and I’m sure he was. Wait, how do you know about Niall?”

“Well, when you first disappeared, Val and Faith came over and then another day they came again, but they brought five boys with them. They explained to me that you stayed with them when you decided to leave. I was livid, but they reassured me that nothing inappropriate and sexual happened and that you were safe with them. Speaking of disappearing, how on earth did you get kidnapped? You were grounded.”

Damn it. I had a feeling that was coming.

“I kind of, snuckoutthewindowtogoonadatewithNiall” I said in a rush

“Repeat that one more time and this time much slower.”

“I snuck out of the window to go on a date with Niall.”

“Vanessa” he started with my full name. Crap I’m in trouble again. He adjusted in his seat to face me. At this point we were sitting on the couch having a heart-to-heart I guess.

“I know I’m not the greatest father. I’m never here and I don’t give you the attention you deserve and I am terribly sorry for that”. He quickly wiped a tear away. Now because I don’t give you the attention you deserve, I also don’t know your whereabouts, friends, or behaviour and from the looks of it, you have pretty good friends so I approve, but your whereabouts and your behaviour, I don’t approve of. You’ve run away twice and the first time, you go and live with five boys that you had just met and the second time you got kidnapped. So you are on punishment not just grounded.”

“What’s the difference?”

“The difference is, this time you will be cleaning.”

I began to laugh in his face. But apparently he wasn’t joking.

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