Chapter 5: Snorkeling and Movies

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*Vanessa’s Pov*

I ended it up staying with the boys. I’ve been here for about a week and it is pretty fun. Since they are on vacation, I am taking them to have fun, Dominican Style.

“Zayn, please get out of the  bathroom. Your hair is going to get messed up anyway.” I yelled as I banged on the door

Says who?” he said walking out of the bathroom, finally. “Says me” I said messing up his perfect quiff. His jaw dropped so fast. If looks could kill, I would be brutally murdered, brought back to life, and murdered again and I found this so hilarious that I began laughing my ass off. Tears flooded from my eyes as I rolled  on the ground like a crazed maniac. Lou came over to see what all of the commotion was and as soon as he looked at Zayn’s face and his hair, he knew. He doubled over in laughter, clutching his stomach. Zayn muttered a colorful choice of words

and went to his room. I proceeded to complete my morning routine that consisted of showering, fluffing my hair and getting dressed. My outfit consisted of a royal blue cover up dress, a peach and white string bikini and my peach colored TOMS.  I stepped out the bathroom and made my way downstairs where Liam and Harry were eating.

“Good morning, guys”

“Morning” they replied sleepily

“You guys have exactly 15 minutes to get ready. I am taking you lads out for some Dominican Style fun.”

“and if we don’t get ready?” asked Harry. Of course it would be him.

“I will feed you to my neighbors sharks.” I said with a smile

Harry and Liam practically fell off the breakfast stools and raced upstairs as I laughed in triumph. I reached up to get some cereal when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. I felt that magnetic shock and I knew it was Niall.

“Mornin’ Love” he said leaving a lingering kiss on my cheek.

I felt all warm and gushy inside. It was a good thing that Niall was holding me, or else, I might have fallen. “Mornin’ Niall” I said with a smile. “Why are you up and dressed so early? You look lovely by the way.” He said “Oh yeah, you have about 10 minutes to get ready. I am taking you lads out today.” “and what happens if I don’t get ready?” he asked with a smirk on his face. “I will feed you to my neighbors sharks”.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Don’t try me, Horan” I said

His eyes widened and he darted upstairs.

*10 minutes later*

5 well dressed boys reported downstairs in a straight line .

“So where are we going?” asked Liam

“Well I called up my 4 friends and we are going snorkeling!!”

“WOOO” they all cheered, except for Zayn, who looked very pale.

“You okay there?” asked a concerned Niall

“I can’t swim” he said shyly

“Awww come here” I said holding my arms out for a hug

He trudged over and threw himself into my arms.

“Lets go guys!!”

*an hour later*

“Look at all the fishies!!” cried Louis

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