Chapter 10: Searching for Vanessa

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*Niall’s Pov*

This night was perfect. I finally got the guts to tell Vanna how I feel and just hope that she would feel the same. As I was about to tell her, she claims that she heard something. I didn’t hear anything. The only thing I heard was Vanna’s scream and I felt her being torn from my arms. She disappeared through the trees and it took me a minute to pull myself together and go look for her. I jumped through the trees frantically, searching for her.

After an hour of searching for Vanna, I became tired and I headed back to the house. My face was damp with sweat and tears. I needed a shower as soon as possible,


(At the house)

“Niall! Where were you?! We have been calling you for hours now. We thought something happened to you.” said Liam as he gave me a hug. His voice was full of concern.

“I’m fine. Its Vanessa.”

“What happened to her?” Harry asked.

“I-She was taken.”

“And what do you mean by taken? As in kidnapped?” Louis asked.

“Y-yeah. She had just told me about her mother and then she said she heard noises and then she was being pulled through the trees.” As I spoke, more tears fell from my eyes. There was a brief silence, until Zayn spoke and moved to hug me.

“Oh. We’re sorry Nialler. We’ll help you look for her.”

“Thanks guys.”

“We will start first thing in the morning, Niall. I think we all need to go to sleep.” Liam said

“I agree. Night guys” Zayn said.

There was a chorus of “nights” and then we were all off to bed. I tried to fall asleep but all I was doing was thinking of Vanessa and how much I missed her. After about 2 hours, I finally fell asleep and the only thing on my mind was searching for Vanessa.

…...................The Next Day.......................

After we ate breakfast, we sat on the couch to think.

“So, does anyone have Valentina or Faith’s number?” asked Liam

“ I have Faith’s number!” Louis yelled

“That’s great! Wait how do you have her number? I don’t remember you asking for it” Liam said

“Well she might have slipped it in my pocket when I wasn’t looking.” Louis said

Harry let out a loud laugh. “That sounds like Faith”

“Anyway, call her Lou” Liam said

Louis pulled out his phone and dialed the number and put the phone on speaker.


“Geez, must you be so loud? Anyway this is Louis “The Tommo” Tomlinson and I am wondering is this Faith?”

“Oh. Hey Louis and this is She.”

“We have a little problem. Vanessa is missing”


“Her and Nialler were on a date and-”

“Awwww”she cooed

“It wasn’t a date!” I said

“Yeah, suuuure it wasn’t” Zayn said

“If it wasn’t a date, Why are you blushing?” Harry asked

“ Touché ”I said with a smirk on my face.

“Now back to what I was saying. Her and Nialler went on a date and they were talking and then Vanna was pulled through the trees. Do you think you could help us?” Louis asked being serious again.

“Well, I’m not sure if I can do much, but I will go to her house and talk to her dad. He may know something and I will Val in on it too.” Faith said

“Alright, thanks, love. Oh and could you give us you guy’s information so we can stay in contact?”

“Sure. I’ll text it to you. Talk to you later.”


“Okay, now that we have Val and Faith searching, lets go to where you guys were last night.” Liam said.

“Umm, I kinda don’t know where we were. Vanna led us there, but she said she and her mom used to go there all the time.”

“UGHHHH, okay. Lets just ask her dad.” Zayn said

“I have the info!” Louis shouts

“FOR NARNIAA!!!” Harry shouts as we run out the door and into the van.

*Vanessa’s Pov*

After I was viciously pulled away from Nialler, I started to think what is this psycho going to do with me. What do they want why does my life always gets screwed up when things were starting to go well. What did I do so wrong to deserve this? Ugh, whatever I’m going to die. My hands and legs were tied together and I am pretty sure something is covering my eyes and if not, it is extremely dark, wherever I am. I think I am in a car and it just stopped moving. I was lifted out of the car and I was being held by a pair of muscular arms. After a bit of walking, I was placed on some type of chair.

“Did you get her?” said a voice that I could recognize anywhere.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is her.” said a deep, male voice

“Oh okay.” said that voice again

“So can we untie her and stuff? She seems so confused.” said the male voice again.

I felt it was time for me to speak up.”NO SHIT SHERLOCK!! OF COURSE I’M CONFUSED! YOU  FREAKING KIDNAPPED ME!” I yelled

“We have to wait.” said the familiar voice in a calm tone, ignoring my sudden outburst.

“Whatever” The male voice said.

I was then carried again and placed on a bed, I think. Any normal person would be freaking out by now, but I have pretty much accepted the fact that i’m going to die, So I might as well go in peace. The man removed my blindfold and left the room in one swift motion. He closed and locked the door behind him and left me in pure confusion.


I can't believe we have over 4,000 Fucking reads like just at 6:00 AM this moring we had 850 no joke I am so happy that people actually read this, still speechless!! Btw the more you wonderful people inspire us to write, the more we will update and yeah time for me to shut up now! :) :D



Ps. Felicia (the other writer) Loves You all too!!! :) :D

~ Fa Li Li

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