Chapter 4: Don't Go

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Niall's beautiful eyes on the side. 


*Harry’s Pov*

“So Liam, what happened at the beach with Niall?”

“He was drooling over a girl who was surfing. She was breathtakingly beautiful . We went to the water and when we looked up she was gone. I guess Niall really wanted to talk to her because he went looking for her. Then he went underwater and when he came up, he was dragging her back to shore. He gave her CPR and then they talked for like 10 minutes and he finally remembered I was there and came over and told me they were leaving. I haven’t seen them since.” Liam explained.

“Wow, our little Nialler is growing up.”

“I know, they should be back soon.”

Just then there was a knock at the door. I jumped up and opened it was Niall and the girl Liam must have been talking about. Liam was right and Niall was lucky. This girl is Beautiful.

Just then, the rest of the guys came to greet her.

“Lads this is Vanessa, Vanessa these are the lads. Niall said.

“I’m Harry. I said, kissing her cheek

“I’m Louis and I like girls who like carrots.”He said with a cheeky grin on his face. Oh Louis

“Lou, remember what happened last time you said that and i’m Zayn.” Zayn said smiling

“I’m Liam. How are you?”Liam said

“I’m fine. Its nice to meet all of you.” she said sounding unsure.

“Guys is it okay if she stayed with us for a few days? She was having a hard time with her step-mom.” asked Niall rubbing the back of his neck

“Of course she can!” I answered quickly.

“well, Vanna i’ll show you to your room. said Niall giving me a questioning look.

*Niall’s Pov*

I really don’t like how Harry is staring at Vanna.  I mean sure he is my best mate, but he is eye raping her! I will protect her, after all, I pinky swore.

“Well Vanna Bear, here is your room!” I said overdramatically opening my arms wide.

Her eyes opened wide at the sight of the guest room.

“t-thank you Niall” she says putting her bags down slowly, staring around in awe. I chuckle at her reaction.  

“Do you need any help unpacking?” I asked

“Nope, I should be fine. Thanks a lot though, Niall” she said pulling me into a tight hug.

I felt funny feelings in my stomach like there was a magnetic force between us, that pulled us into each other’s embrace and refused to let us go. I knew she had to felt it too. I heard an awkward cough at the door and I spun around and saw Harry casually standing there.

“I was wondering if Vanessa needed help unpacking.” he said

“She doesn’t need any help.” I said defensively

“Okay, then umm Vanessa would you like to watch a movie with us.” Harry asked. He obviously didn’t get the message. “Sure, we will be down in a minute.” I snapped before Vanna could answer.

“Alright.” Harry said leaving the room

“What was that about?” Vanessa asked

“Oh nothing. Its just Harry is quite the flirt and I don’t want him to try anything. I pinky swore” I said with a bright smile, hoping she wouldn’t continue on because I knew where this conversation was headed.  

*Vanessa’s Pov*

The curly boy was standing in the doorway as Niall and I hugged. It felt so right. My body molded perfectly into his and at the moment, I didn’t want to let him go. Good things don’t last forever because curly decides to “cough”.

“I was wondering if Vanessa needed help unpacking” Curly said.

Before I could say anything, Niall answered for me. “She doesn’t need any help”. He sounded very defensive. I wonder why?

“Okay, then umm Vanessa would you like to watch a movie with us?” Curly asked and before I could say anything, Niall answered for me.Again.”Sure we will be down in a minute” he spat. Someone is angry, I sung in my head.

“Alright” curly said, walking away. I kind of felt bad for him. I didn’t see any harm in what he was asking. I thought he was being very considerate.

“What was that about?” I asked

“Oh nothing. Its just Harry is quite a flirt and I didn’t want him to try anything. I pinky swore.” He said. I guess that was an acceptable answer, but I knew there was something else. “Wait Niall what is it?”

“I could tell Harry was quite Attracted to you.”

“Oh, I umm have to go”.I said quickly. I cringed at his sentence, remembering what happened the last time someone was “attracted to me”. I had to leave.

“Wait, Why?!” Niall yelled.

“I think it is the best if I just go. I don’t want to bother you guys.” I said putting my stuff back into my bag.

“Please don’t go. He begged. Don’t look into his eyes, don’t look into his eyes. I thought to myself. I knew that if I looked into his eyes, I would stay. But I can’t.

“I will stay in contact with you guys, I promise. Jus let me leave Niall.” I said looking down.

“Okay, what’s your number?” he asked

oh shit, I forgot that my fucking step mother never got me a new phone after she got mad and threw it out the window.

“Umm I don’t have a phone.” I said blushing slightly

“See, this is why you can’t leave. You don’t even have a phone. How would you stay in contact?”

“Letters?” I shrugged. I am so stupid who fucking writes letters? I said muttering slightly.

“Nobody, which is exactly my point. You should really mutter to yourself quietly. Just don’t go” he said smirking

And thats when I looked into his eyes

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