Three- ER

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She made sure she was backstage before she started jumping up and down from the shooting pain in her shoulder, what the hell had happened?, She wondered. She couldn't be hurt, not so close to her title shot, there was no way, she rubbed her shoulder hoping the pain would go away. She did the best she could to change and grab her backpack putting it on her good arm.

"That was amazing" Punk found her and kissed her on the cheek,

"Thanks" she managed to say through her pain

"Rue you ok?" He asked concerned

"Yeah I'm fine" she sighed, wincing slightly

"No you're not" he shook his head his hazel green eyes wide in concern "baby are you hurt?!What hurts?!" He spotted her hand on her shoulder "is it your shoulder?!"

"It just hurts a little that's all, I think I landed on it weird" she tried to sound believable.

"No you're in pain, Rue you gotta go get it checked out c'mon" he grabbed her by the arm

"OW!" She shrieked,

"Babe I'm so sorry!" He sounded panicky as she scooped her up and walked her over to where the paramedics were standing by, careful not to touch her arm. He watched worried as they looked her over,

"Does this hurt?" Asked the paramedic, who oddly reminded her of George Clooney, as they tried to move her arm, she sucked in her breath as the pain shot through her

"Yes!" She gasped, Punks eyes widened more, she wasn't one to show pain, so it had to be bad, the paramedics lips pressed together, his brow furrowed.

"In all honesty I think you should take her to the ER, it doesn't seem broken or dislocated but you should definitely get some X-rays to make sure"

"Of course I'll take her right now!" Punk responded nervously as he scooped her up again walking her toward the parking lot, she smacked his chest.

"Put me down" she hissed as they passed some people with clipboards who were looking at them weird.

"No I have to take you to the ER" he muttered, she smacked him again

"I hurt my arm not my leg! Put me down" she groaned, starting to flail, he shook her

"Stop, can you let someone take care of you for once?"

"No, we're SECRETLY dating, so put me down and walk far away from me before someone sees us" she hissed, it was true, no one knew they were dating, they liked it that way, well aside from Vince and Justin, and probably Kofi no one knew. He pouted, "don't make me yell kidnap" she glared as he continued to carry her, an amused look came across his face

"You wouldn't dare" he smirked

"Try me" she dared

"No one would hear you", his smirk grew as he looked around, she raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at him, she cleared her throat and opened her mouth

"KID-" she was cut off by Punk sticking his tongue into her mouth as he put her on her feet and made her pin him against a wall, careful not to touch her shoulder, she moaned into his mouth, using her free arm to wrap around his neck and hop up wrapping her legs around his waist, as she bit his lip, he moaned, as his hands made their way under her shirt and up her warm back, she felt his fingers hook under her bra hook, before he pulled away abruptly.

"Wait I know what you're doing" he blinked, and she batted her eyes innocently

"What's that?" She asked sweetly as she began to kiss his neck, he moaned slightly

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