Four- "Prank"

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Ruby woke up to a knock at the door, the pain medication must've made her drowsy. She rose untangling herself from the blankets, which felt strangely tight. The knocking continued,

"I'm coming" she muttered brushing her hair out of her face. She reached the door, and opened it. She found Justin looking at the ground, silently cursing himself.

"Don't know why I even came" he muttered, he was hoping he could still win her back.

"Justin?" She asked confused, the light from the hallway, too bright for her eyes, he looked up, his eyes wide.

"Ruby" he cleared his throat as he looked her over, "I uh...I wanted to talk to you" his eyes not quite meeting hers.

"About?" She yawned,

"Things between us have been tense..." He trailed off

"I know..."

"And I know I messed up, but that month we were together, was the best month of my life." He looked into her eyes, his warm chocolate brown eyes pleading "Ruby, I'll do anything for another chance."

"Justin..." Her eyes widened, he took her hand,

"Even if I have to get on my knees and beg for forgiveness" he dropped to his knees, hugging her legs. "Please Ruby, take me back! I need you!" She looked down at him, realizing she was only in her bra and panties, what in the hell?! She tried to push him off but of course he was stronger than her.

"Justin, please let go" she pleaded "I'm not wearing any clothes! Let me put something on."

"Not until you give me an answer" he sounded muffled against her legs, as weird as it was, she found it insanely adorable, she couldn't help but smile.

"Rue?" She heard a voice call from inside the room. Her eyes widened, what in the hell?! Justin pulled away, an eyebrow raised, she took the opportunity to grab the shirt on the ground and slipping it on, although it was difficult with her sling, it was white and black and fit her surprisingly big, so she didn't put on pants. Justin was now standing.

"Who's in there?" He asked quietly as he looked at her shirt.

"I-" she began, but then she felt arms constrict her waist from behind, specifically, heavily tattooed arms, as Justin's face dropped.

"Come back to bed Rue" pouted Punk pressing his lips to the back of her head, winking at Justin who could do nothing but glare with his fists clenched, his knuckles turning white. Ruby didn't know what to do, but she knew what Punk was doing and didn't appreciate it. She bit her lip pensively.

"Justin...can we talk later? Give me a few minutes, and meet me downstairs, we'll talk over coffee" She could feel Punk stiffen behind her, Justin looked surprised as he nodded.

"Anything you say Ruby." He smiled triumphantly, Punk made a face at him as he left, Ruby closed the door. She smacked Punks bare chest

"Why is that every time I fall asleep and you bring me home you end up stripping me down and sleeping with me?!" She glared, he smirked,

"You don't remember what we did? I'm hurt" he placed a hand on his heart.

"What're you talking about?" She asked her eyes widening.

"See I tried to put you to sleep, and I was thinking of pulling a prank, get you back for being a tease but you woke up pulled me on top of you, pretty much took advantage of little ole me" he shrugged sitting on the bed.

"You're saying we..." Her eyes wide

"Oh Rue more than once" he smirked, he was bluffing of course, he had set her down, feeling creepy about doing it but taking her shirt and pants off, telling himself, it's like a bathing suit nothing intimate, but finally just closing his eyes as he did it, careful not to touch her inappropriately and then stripping down to his boxers and getting into the bed with her. He had hoped she would wake soon but instead found himself falling asleep beside her, for what he swore was 5 minutes before feeling the bed shift and the door open voices coming for the door. That's when he had seen Justin wrapped around her legs, called her name, once he had gotten him to get off of her, he had practically run to put his arms around her. Ruby was now sitting on the floor looking extremely distressed, he sat next to her, putting an arm around her, she slapped it off. "Rue it's not that big of a deal" he told her smiling that it was working, he tried to hug her she pushed him off.

"Don't touch me!" She growled, she got up shutting herself in the bathroom. He groaned, ok maybe he had a sick sense of humor, but usually so did she. Something else was up. He pulled on his pants realizing she had his shirt on

"Ruby" he knocked, "open up", it was silent, before she opened the door throwing his shirt in face, "ow" she has changed into jeans and a tshirt, she was now bent over trying to put on her shoes with one hand "where are you going?" He asked bending over to help her tie her shoes she kicked him

"I can do it myself!" She growled, expertly tying her shoes with one hand.

"Of course you can" he muttered "where are you going?" He asked again, she looked up at him glaring

"With Justin"


"I don't have to answer to you" she hissed, walking toward the door

"You're not going to take him back are you?"

"That's none of your business", he pulled her back as she touched the doorknob.

"It is my business! You're my girlfriend"

"Not anymore" she glared,


"I want you gone by the time I come back" she opened the door

"Ruby wait!" She shut the door in his face, he groaned pressing his forehead on the door. "It was a joke. A stupid, idiotic, sick, and twisted joke. I'm such a dumbass" he sighed.





"What's wrong?" Asked Justin as they sat down, they were in a small coffee house. She shook her head,


"Are you sure?" He smiled assuringly, she nodded

"Yeah" she sniffled.

"So uh...what happened to your arm?" He asked

"Oh nothing just a slight sprain, I should be fine by next week"

"Did it happen during your match?" He asked, his head slightly cocked to the side in concern.

"Yeah I landed on it weird" she sighed sipping on her green tea, he cleared his throat.

"So Ruby...I was hoping we could start over" she didn't look at him "please" he pleaded, she sighed

"Ok" he smiled radiantly, he held out his hand clearing his throat again "hello madam, my name is Paul Lloyd Jr. , I am from Capetown, South Africa"

"Explains the accent" she smirked he smiled

"I wrestle in the WWE, under the name Justin Gabriel, I answer to Justin or Paul, even PJ" the corners of her mouth twitched up.

"Pj? That's adorable" she giggled "tell me more"

"I used to be a model, uh I was a 3 time Tag Team champion and once had the honor of calling the most beautiful girl in the world my girlfriend" she looked down blushing, remembering for a brief moment why he had dated him

"What happened with that?" She asked quietly.

"I'm idiot and let my jealousy get the best of me...I did very stupid things, I went to apologize and try to get her back and I found her with another man" she felt her cheeks grow hot as she thought of Punk and what had happened. "But I don't blame her...she's too beautiful and sweet natured to stay single for long" she looked up at him, their eyes meeting for the first time since they had sat down.

"What if I was single again?" She asked quietly.




Don't kill me. Haha I might redo this one but uh yeah, here's an update! And if you haven't already check out my other CM Punk story called My Savior, recently updated! I'd love feedback on both of them! Remember feedback= quicker updates so comment comment comment! :),



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