Thirty-One- Spats.

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Blooooop here we go!





But why? Why did he have that picture? When had he taken it? How?! She tried to calm down, she couldn't over react, but as much as she searched her mind she couldn't think of any good reason for him to have that picture. There was none, none at all. Why? What had he planned to use it for? Was he going to blackmail her? If she hadn't accepted his advances would he have done it? Would he have forced her to be with him? Was the bet THAT serious to him? She needed to think, she untangled herself from Punk and exited out of his pictures and locked his phone screen again. She sat, could she still bring herself to marry this possibly psychotic manipulative man? She stared at him, if he had withheld this what else had he kept a secret? He had begged and pleaded for her to open up to him and she had, but it was crystal clear to her that he hadn't opened up to her nor had he planned to and it hurt her feelings to think that he didn't trust her. She had handed her heart over to this man, she was about to hand her life over to THIS man, and he was still holding his heart behind his back, out of her reach. She had thought she was the cruel one, the one keeping him out, not giving him a chance, but it had been him all along. He had made her feel like the villain but now she realized she was the victim, and that very thought, the thought of ever being the victim again made her blood boil, she had sworn to herself too long ago to never be the victim again. She pulled away from him completely this time, in disgust, causing him to jerk awake.

"What? What's happening?" He muttered sleepily rubbing his eyes, she tried to conceal her stony expression, she faked sleep, turning away from him, but kept her eyes slightly parted to see what he did. He saw her sleeping and smiled, "You're so beautiful...I love you" he whispered tucking her hair off her face before kissing her lips softly, she wanted so badly to shove him off, she hated how he still made her heart flutter even when she felt like she hated him again. How could he be so cruel? So evil as to say he loved her when he had lied to her so much. She watched as he went through his phone, he checked some email, replied to Kofi, and then sneaked another picture of her. She couldn't do it anymore, she sat up.

"You have a habit of taking pictures don't you?" She asked bitterly, don't have an outburst she silently ordered herself, don't do it. He looked at her surprised, he smiled, almost innocently

"Yeah, I can't help it, you look so cute when you sleep, back when you still hated me it was the only time you looked harmless," oh don't speak too soon I could still hate you, thought Ruby. She nodded to keep herself from saying anything else. "What you don't like it?" She shrugged,

"Have you considered certain pictures could get you in trouble?" She muttered, he looked at her surprised,


"I'm just saying" he looked at his phone,

"Did you go through my phone?" She raised her eyebrow,

"You sound guilty", his eyebrows furrowed

"Did. You. Go. Through. My. Phone?" He asked again, she said nothing, "what happened to being mature? Being less aggravating?" She glared

"What happened to telling the FUCKING truth?" She hissed trying to keep her voice down, "when did that go out the window? When were you going to tell me?! Were you even going to tell me?" He stared at her, "don't play dumb with me! The picture of me and Jeff!" The color immediately evacuates his face,

"Rue-I-I-I can explain!"

"Be my guest because as much as I've searched my mind there is no excuse" he knew by the look on his face he had one shot to get this right,

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