Ten- Meet the Rojos pt. 2

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Didn't get 5 but I can't wait!!!




"But Mamí..."Ruby began but she had never seen that look on her mothers face before, a look of pure pride, of joy. She had always felt she could do nothing right in her mothers eyes but yet here was her mother practically glowing with pride over her ex. She felt Punk squeezing her hand urging her to correct her mom.

"What?" She looked at her confused

"Uh..." She didn't know what to say, she felt Punk rip his hand from hers then heard a screech as Punk shot up and stormed off.

"What's his deal?" Asked Jorge

"I'll be right back!" She muttered as she got up quickly and followed him. She found him sitting cross legged behind the house on the grass his head buried in his hands in frustration.
"Phil..." She called softly as she sat beside him, his head shot up he looked pissed.

"Why didn't you correct her?!" He growled, she looked down embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I know, I'm wrong. I know you're already mad about me inviting PJ and now this only made things worse. I'm sorry Phil. I really am, apologies don't come easily for me" she took his hands in hers
"but you've gotta see it from my eyes, you see how difficult my family is."

"Yeah" he scoffed

"And well my mom has never ever been proud of me. And I don't think I've ever seen that look of pride on her face, well at least not since I decided to be a wrestler. You're absolutely right I should've corrected her, if you had done the same thing to me I would've been pissed too! But I just..." Her voice broke
"Whenever I'm around my family I just feel worthless...I think this might be the only time my family hasn't laughed at a decision I've made."

"Rue. You're not worthless. You're amazing at what you do, the best. You're beautiful, and a great and I mean great person."

"Yeah well right about now I feel like the worst in the world" she sniffled

"You don't need anyone else's approval but your own."

"She's my mom Phil" she sighed she felt a tear escape her eyes and silently cursed herself. She felt Punks arms wrap around her as he wiped the tear. He sighed in defeat.

"You're going to tell her soon right?"

"I will I promise you," she nodded resting her head on his chest she looked up at him, staring at his hazel green eyes "I know haven't said it, but I really care about you, and I definitely don't want to lose you. I care about you more than I thought was possible and I don't want you to ever, ever doubt it. PJ is a just a friend I promise, I mean I care about him too I can't deny that but it's nothing, absolutely nothing compared to how I feel about you, I just want you to be ok with me being friends with him." Her dark eyes pleaded


"Please! I'm ok with you being friends with Amy and you know I don't like her at all" he groaned

"Don't bring this up"

"Why not? You've actually had sex with her and God knows what else and I still don't say anything. Even though I think she's a whore"

"Ruby don't call her that" he sighed

"So dating Matt and then cheating on him with his wrestling brother Adam, doesn't make her a whore? Having a live sex celebration doesn't? I wasn't aware" she crossed her arms angrily

"She's just a friend now"

"She's cheated before, with a man with a wife, I'm sure she'll have no problem with separating us."

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