Eight- Aggravation

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"Waaaaaaaaaake up sleepyhead" sang Ruby as she pounced on a sleeping Punk. He groaned.

"Too soon" he normally didn't need much sleep but he had stayed most of the night making Easter baskets with Ruby, so much so he had dreamed of rabbits, candy, and colorful eggs.

"C'mon lazy we've got to go to church and my moms house so you can meet my circus of a family!" She groaned, he sat up immediately.

"Church?! I'm not going to church," he shook his head

"It wasn't a question or an option. You're going!"

"I don't wanna"

"Oh wellllllll" she sang pulling on him more

"I'm not a believer!" He whined

"But I am and so is my mom and if you don't go my mom isn't going to like you very much, and as you know I hold my mothers opinion in the highest of regards....PJ's going..." She kept tugging, finally he pulled her into bed with him easily with one tug.

"Fine I'll go!" He groaned "who's PJ?"

"PJ...Paul Lloyd Jr...Justin Gabriel" she said his name carefully knowing it'd cause some friction, he shot her a look.

"He's not really coming is he?"

"Should we match today? Lets match!" She shot up, he pulled her back down.


"Have I told you that you look extremely handsome today?" She batted her eyelashes at him innocently.

"He's coming isn't he?" He glared

"Everyone should spend sometime with family on Easter!" She smiled

"He has his own family!"

"In South Africa!", he glared, "He had no where to go!"

"He cheated on you Rue" he reminded

"Yeah well I'm not dating him! We're just friends so that doesn't matter, now get up and get ready we're going to my moms house!"

"What happened to church?"

"I already went" she laughed


"Yeah I already went with my mom I just wanted to see if you'd have gone or not" she smiled "and you would've! Points for you!" It was then that he realized she was already dressed, her make up applied, and her hair curled.

"This probably isn't the first time you've heard this but you are quite possibly the most aggravating person I have ever encountered" he sighed "and I'm usually at the receiving end of that comment" he shook his head.

"But I'm your aggravating person" she laughed, she patted his leg. "Get dressed! Formal wear please I will not have my family think I'm dating a homeless man!"

"Do I look like I own anything formal?" He laughed, she raised an eyebrow.

"Well it's a good thing I think of everything" she smiled throwing some new slacks, a new button up shirt, a tie, and shoes.

"I hate you" he pouted

"Be good!" She smiled

"What's in it for me?" He asked pulling her into his lap.

"Oh I don't know, just the privilege of continuing to be my boyfriend..."

"So....I don't feel like going anymore" he said sarcastically, she gasped

"Well it's a good thing I have a back up boyfriend then" she stuck out her tongue, before she knew what was happening she was pinned underneath Punk her arms above her head.

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