Thirty-Two-Bitter Bliss

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Chez gaped at her, before she blushed,

"'m like a sister to him..." She said flustered, Ruby placed her hand on her shoulder,

"You can tell me...I won't be mad I promise" Ruby endeared,

"There hasn't been anything between us, like I said I'm like a sister to him, Chaleen and I both..."

"But what about you?" She asked softly, but the way Chez was acting, Ruby already knew the answer

"I care about him a lot..."

"Obviously what other reason would there be to bring your practically homeless friend to live with you?" Smiled Ruby, Chez nodded,

"But things like that have never been like that between us...he's always seen me like a sister, and well he always had someone he was...with, and with time my feelings started to fade, but there's still a little piece of me that has hope, although now that he's met you...",Ruby wiped the tear that had rolled down Chez's cheek biting her lip, feeling guilty,

"I'm sorry...but I'll admit something, if anyone but me had to have his love, I'd love for it to be you, no one deserves his love more than you", Chez sniffled smiling gratefully

"Thanks Ruby, I can see why he loves you so much..." They hugged each other, the two women who loved CM Punk with all their hearts

"So do I have your blessing to marry him?" Asked Ruby softly, Chez looked at in bittersweet happiness,

"Yeah, but promise me you'll make him happy and they you won't break his heart, please?", Ruby nodded,

"I promise you Chez, on the love that we both have for him that I will do everything to make him happy and keep him safe"

"Then yes you have my absolute blessing" Chez sniffled wiping the last of her tears.

"Thank you" she handed Chez a tissue before Phil came back with Colt and Chaleen in tow,

"Alright pulled some strings, we're getting married in t-minus" he check his fake watch "10 minutes, it's great being the best in the world" he smiled triumphantly. Ruby smiled, her anger having subsided, she gave Chez one last squeeze before going over to Punk and hugging him tightly,

"I'm not mad anymore" she whispered, "I love you" he hugged her back surprised,

"I love you too baby" he whispered "now lets go get married"

"Not without us!" Announced another voice, Ruby turned surprised to see Frank and the rest of the crew,

"Franklin!" Ruby squealed happily throwing her arms around him and the boys,

"Hey you know that's not my name!" He pouted, "now what's this about getting married without your maid of honor?!" He teased "luckily for us, Punk here flew us in" Ruby looked at Punk surprised,

"You needed someone on your side" he shrugged innocently,

"And now I have someone to hold Lionheart while he holds the rings," she winked at Tim who groaned,

"Fine" he pouted, "where is the not so little guy anyway?" Asked Tim, Ruby opened her purse to reveal a sleeping Lionheart inside,

"Wow he fits in there?" Gaped Chaleen and Frank at the same time, they looked at each other and blushed, Ruby and Punk raised their eyebrows at each other,

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