Nine- Meet the Rojos pt.1

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The moment they walked in the door it was a fury of hugs and kisses, loud borderline obnoxious Spanglish and screaming children in pastels.

"Ruby, ya era tiempo! Siempre tarde!" (Its about time! always late) Clucked her older sister Opal as she hugged her baby sister, her quiet husband Andres gave her a friendly hug, as their two children Andrea and her sole nephew Frankie sped around wildly.

"You already know she is" Sterling shook his head, a beer in hand as usual, probably his 3rd in the past hour causing Ruby to roll her eyes as she begrudgingly greeted him and his very pregnant wife Mirena, their daughter Mia showing off her most recent medal in soccer to other family members.

"Oh but she's definitely in good company" smirked her sister Amber, as her eyes shot over PJ and Punk causing slight jealously. Apparently still a flirt, plus the empty Smirnoff bottles beside her indicated to Ruby that she was about 2 or 3 short of getting sloppy, her 5 year old daughter Julie, who had inherited her mothers large doe eyes waved shyly to her aunt Ruby.

"Ignore them" muttered Pearl, as she hugged her sister Ruby, out of the 7 Ruby and Pearl got along the best.

"I missed you!" Ruby smiled as she noticed her other goddaughter Keri crawling around her father Jorge's feet, he forever seemed to have a scowl on his face, and was probably high. "Where's Micah and Jasper?"

"Probably in the backyard pretending to be team Hell No" Pearl laughed

"Ruby! Ya era tiempo!" (Ruby it was about time!) Ruby heard her mother say from behind her.

"Hi mom" she groaned.

"Oh look you bought Phil! Oh and handsome PJ!" She smiled reaching up and kissing each of them on the cheek. Phil glared at PJ as he handed Esmeralda the flowers and bulbs.

"These are for you Esmeralda, I thought you would like them" he smiled, Ruby's mother beamed

"How thoughtful! Hijos isn't that thoughtful?!" They all nodded.
"Now c'mon Ruby it's time to cook" she pulled Ruby into the kitchen, Pearl and Opal followed, everyone else remained in the large living room. Punks eyes followed Ruby wondering what to do, PJ was already in an animated conversation with Andres, about football. He had a choice between the flirtatious drunk older sister or the jerk looking drunk older brother or all the loud rambunctious children, he shook his head before wondering into the backyard where he spotted who he suspected were Jasper and Micah, they looked eerily similar as they wrestled in a makeshift ring, their shirts and ties having been discarded in the grass.

"C'mon Micah!" Shouted who Punk suspected was Jasper as he waited for his younger brother to jump off the top rope.

"Alright don't say I didn't warn you!" Shouted Micah before flying off in a failed attempt at a leg drop, Jasper fell back laughing,


"Nice try kid" nodded Punk in admiration it was better than most, they both turned and saw him.

"Holy shit." Gasped Jasper

"Uh I think I hit myself too hard on that botch" Micah shook his head rubbing his eyes "unless you see CM Punk too"

"No I see him." Jasper said

"Sup I'm here with your sister Ruby" he waved

"Why are you here with her?!" They asked at the same time, he laughed

"She's kinda my girlfriend" their eyes widened

"Damn it she couldn't have brought home Cena?!" Jasper groaned, Micah shoved him

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