Twenty-Eight- Chicago

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Here we go, there's a lot of twist and turns:) enjoy!





"Who is that?" Asked Punk confused, but Ruby wouldn't stop trembling, she was practically rocking back and forth,

"This can't be happening, this can't be happening" she whimpered

"Rubys it's ok. I'm here, nothing bad is going to happen to you baby! I won't let it" He assured her trying to sooth her, "who is it?" He asked as he hugged her to her chest.

"How did he find me? How did he find me?" She whimpered, Punk kissed her forehead genuinely worried about scared she was.

"Ruby baby, please let me help you, I'll help you make him go away" he promised,

"It's..." She seemed to afraid to even say his name, he began to stand to see who it was as they knocked again, but she pulled him down quickly, "no, no maybe he'll go away" she whimpered but they knocked again,

"Ruby just tell me who it is" he pleaded, she took a deep breath before saying in a tiny fragile voice he barely recognized as hers,

"Travis", he was confused for moment as he tried to remember who in the hell Travis was, where had he heard that name before? Then it hit him, this was the guy who's teeth he had want to knock in since Ruby told him what he had done to her. His fists clenched automatically as he stood immediately despite Ruby's pleas to leave it alone,

"Get away from the door" he managed to say through clenched teeth,

"Punk no please, just leave it alone, please Punk-" she was pleading as she continued to block the door, he looked at her

"Rue, move out of the way" he ordered in a low voice, she threw her arms around him burying her face in his neck,

"Please Phil, I don't want to see him" she breathed into his neck, he shut his eyes for a moment to think

"Rue I can't have you being afraid of him, I can't let him get away with hurting you like he did...let me do this, please" she didn't say anything as she continued to clutch onto him, and he took it as a green light. He reached out to open the door knob and she immediately jumped behind him, holding onto his shoulders, as she barley peeked over his shoulder, he didn't know what to expect as he opened the door, but when he did even he was shocked. He had to admit he had expect some creepy rat faced guy, but instead he found a guy who looked like he could be the brother of Chris Evans or something, but he looked familiar that was for sure, he looked up with a charming smile,

"Hi is Ruby home?" He asked, Phil blinked confused for a moment, "uh...hello?" He waves a hand in front of Punk's face, Punk recovered from his shock,

"No and even if she was, she doesn't want to see you!" He growled, but he had already spotted Ruby behind him,

"Now why wouldn't she want to see her dear friend Travis?" He asked innocently, Punk glared at him,

"You know damn well why! Now I suggest you get the fuck out of here before I beat the shit out of you" Travis looked at him amused,

"Excuse me who are you And just what is it I did?"

"I'm her fiancée and you know what you did"

"Fiancée?" Travis repeated the word surprised yet amused, "I knew she liked older guys but geez." He snickered "but no I obviously don't know what I did if I'm asking" Punk felt Ruby dig her nails into the back to stop him from lunging at him, but still he managed to grab Travis by the collar, revealing Ruby standing behind him "Hey Ruby, how's our baby?" He asked smirking, Punk looked at her confused

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