Seven- Tattoo

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"Where are we gooooooing?" Whined Punk as Ruby dragged him along.

"Hey you wanted to come!" She stuck out her tongue as he pulled him.

"Where are we going?! And where's your sling?!"

"You'll see! You'll love it! And it's itchy! I don't need it" She practically squealed as she pulled him into a random shop. "Dylaaaaan!" She threw her arms around a tall, lanky tattooed guy with a mop of brown hair. He looked surprised,

"Holy shit! Where've you been?! Haven't seen you in like a year!" He responded his eyes wide.

"Dude I made it big finally! I told you I would!" She laughed playfully hitting his shoulder.

"Damn, I'm not surprised, you always get what you want" he laughed, they seemed to have completely forgotten Punk was even there.

"So how have you been?!" She asked smiling

"Oh you know the same...uh" he scratched his head "oh yeah, I'm engaged"

"WHAT?!" She shouted

"Yeah her names Audrey, she's a bit younger but she's great"

"Holy shit what about Danny?!" She looked to the ground bashfully

"Oh you would wanna know about Danny" he nudged her playfully, who was Danny?! thought Punk.

"Shut up" she blushed, now he really wanted to know. "Just tell me! Is he here?" She looked around nervously

"Yeah he's in the back! Hey Danny come out here there's a surprise for you!" Dylan shouted over his shoulder, she smacked him

"Shut up!" She squealed

"What?" Shouted a voice from a back room.

"Get the fuck out here you bitch!" Shouted Dylan playfully.

"What the hell do you want?!" Groaned a guy as he walked out of a back room, that was until he spotted Ruby "Ruby Red?!" He shouted

"Danny?!" She squealed before running to him as jumping in his arms as he swung her around, their relationship was close, and it made him nervous.

"When did you get back?" He asked as he set her down, now Punk could see he was a guy about 25, maybe 5'10 covered in tattoos perhaps the only place without them being his face, he had a Mohawk of black hair, and almost captivating golden brown eyes. He hated to admit it but he seemed like someone Ruby would be interested in, very interested in.

"Tuesday!" She squealed as he set her down.

"And you barely came now?! It's Saturday" he pouted.

"I know sorry Danny" she hugged him tightly, kissed his cheek, Punk felt a pang of jealous "but I'm here now!"

"Yeah I see that! Who's this?" Danny asked finally noticing Punk looking there looking unhappy with his arms crossed.

"Who?" Asked Ruby looking to where Danny was pointing, her eyes widening as she remembered Punks presence "oh." Was all she said,

"Oh?" Growled Punk his fists clenched.

"Uh this is, you guys know CM Punk...Phil Brooks..." She explained not even adding that he was her boyfriend. They looked at him blankly, apparently they weren't fans of wrestling. "He wrestles with me in the WWE...he's kinda important" she laughed "Punk this is Danny and Dylan, they're some of my friends" she introduced them

"Hey" Punk nodded acknowledging them, they did the same, the room was tense.

"So Danny I'm here to get some ink! We can catch up!" She smiled grabbing his hand and leading him to a chair. Punk and Dylan followed awkwardly.

Seeing Red (CM Punk WWE)Where stories live. Discover now