Forty- Calamity

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When Ruby woke up the next morning Phil was sitting up, watching her as she slept. He looked at if he hadn't slept all night.

"Baby what's wrong?" She asked sleepily, he shook his head, as of dazed, she put her hand to his forehead, "are you ok?" He nodded yes, "you sure?"

"Yeah" he rasped, he looked up at her through sorrowful eyes, "is there anything you have to tell me?" He hoped and prayed that she would the truth, she looked at him confused.

"Like what?" She asked,

"Is there anything really important you'd like to tell me?" He asked again firmly, she scanned her mind, he looked at her hopeful, she shook her head,

"No...I don't think..." She said, his heart fell, he took a deep breath,

"Alright." He nodded, she got out of bed and stretched,

"Well I have to start getting ready for today, you wanna come?" She asked as she grabbed her robe, he nodded no, usually he said yes "oh...ok" she shrugged, she took one mast lolk at him before going in the bathroom, "get some sleep baby," she suggested "you're getting old before your time" she joked but he didn't laugh, she sighed, "I love you" she reminded him, he nodded. She sighed as she got ready as quickly as she could, and left she couldn't help but feel that he was angry at her,





"Here we are" Dean announced as they arrived in front of Ruby's apartment, they watched as a black car drove away. "Get ready boys, we're about to put ourselves on the map boys" they made their way up the stairs to the apartment they knew so well, bursting open the door, they wanted to make a scene, they wanted people to know what happened,

"Rue?" They heard someone call, Dean motioned for them to follow the voice, "Rue?" The voice called again, Punk walked out confused by the sound, he was exhausted, he has stayed up all night thinking and trying to put the pieces together, was she really Corazon? But how? How had she lived? Why would she lie? Maybe she had lost her memory...then he heard the sound of the door bursting open, he stood wearily and walked toward the sound, calling her name for who else could it be? Before he knew it he felt a shooting pain in the back of his head, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he crumpled to the ground, he saw 3 black blur saw he began to feel pain all over his body, then soon his body felt numb,

"Phil" she called, he tried to move his head to find the source of the voice but found he couldn't, "Phil" she called again, but still he couldn't move his head, finally he saw her face as she stood above, she kneeled beside him, her hand touching his face, her light caramel eyes twinkling as he managed to reach up and caress her face, her blue black hair glowing around her face,

"Mi Corazon" he muttered, she smiled, and hushed him,

"Come home Phil" she whispered, "come home", he nodded to agree when he heard

"Sir? Sir are you ok? Oh shit! Someone call the cops! Call the cops!" They shouted panicking.





She had just finished getting her wax when she got the phone call, she had driven so recklessly just to get to the hospital, she was trembling like crazy, she was surprised she had made it in one piece. Now Ruby paced the hospital panicking. She felt like the world was closing in on her. She didn't know if she wanted to tell or cry. She hasn't called any of her family. She as too stubborn, she wanted to deal with everything on her own, she felt like she as biting her nails down to the bone as she continued to pace. She knew who had done this, she knew. There were only 3 people stupid enough to do this to her. She has blown up Vince McMahon's phone to try to get him to take make some sort of ramification but he ignored all her calls. She was beyond pissed, and she hasn't been allowed to see Phil yet.

"Mrs. Brooks?" She heard a nurse call, she practically ran to her,

"Yes?" She asked in a voice she didn't recognize as her own,

"You can see your husband now" she told her, Ruby nodded anxiously as she followed her, "here we are."

"Is he..."

"He's not conscious...we're not sure if will ever be" The nurse told her softly, Ruby nodded gravely and as the nurse let her in. She gasped at the sight of him, he looked nothing like himself, most of his face and body was bandaged, She looked at his almost lifeless body, her heart was breaking with each second that passed. She softly pushed back his hair, as the heart monitor beeped,

"Please Phil, wake up." She whispered, "don't leave me, don't do this to me" she pleaded burying her head in his chest as she kneeled beside his hospital bed. "You've got to fight baby, fight for your life. I never thought the shades of our relationship could get any darker" she sighed, she knew she was crying, "you have to live...for us" she placed his hand on her stomach, "I think I'm pregnant" she whispered, "don't die on us, please, don't make this baby grow up like I did" she sobbed, he continued to lie motionless, "baby, I love you, please" she begged squeezing his hand, she leaned forward and kissed his lips softly through her sobs. She prayed that for a moment fairytales could be real, as she pressed softly, the only sound in the room being the heart monitor, and the oxygen machine, she pulled away sighing, she heard a beep come from the heart monitors, her heart and hopes soared. "Phil?" she managed to say before it went flat, the flatline sound filling the room. She gasped, "No! Phil no!!" she cried, the doctors heard her, and came rushing in,

"Start the defibrillator!" Ordered a doctor to the nurse, she did as he said,

"No!!! No!!!" Ruby cried over his body,

"M'am we need you to move" the Doctor said softly but sternly, he pulled her away,

"Phil!" She cried trying to get back to him as they pressed the irons to his chest,

"Get her out of here!" Ordered the doctor, or took 4 nurses to get her out, she collapsed to the ground sobbing against the wall. In that one moment she knew what she never wanted to know, how her mother felt when she lost her husband...she felt utterly and completely numb. She doubted she could ever feel another thing in her life, she stood. This wouldn't stay like this, she stood, wiping her tears angrily, she began to walk, she didn't know where she was going but she was getting there fast.

"Mrs. Brooks wait! He's-" She heard someone call, she was glad, but even that couldn't stop her, she was unstoppable. She soon found herself in Vince McMahons office, she threw everything off his desk, he looked at her outraged, she beat her fists on the desk,

"You need to get rid of the Shield" she demanded, he liked at her like she was crazy

"I can't do that" she growled angrily throwing more things around,

"Then this has been a long time coming Vince" she growled,





Cliffhanger! Bam the 3rd book will take place a little before Payback, comment, fan, and vote, and check out Dare to Love (connected to this slightly) and The Wrestling Whore! I'll try to post stuff for the new book tomorrow!



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