Twenty-Three- Broken

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"You had to be escorted off the premises?!" Punk paced back in forth in front of Ruby, he had woken up and she was gone, it made him nervous. He had bad experiences with women leaving him while he slept, he sat on the bed to clear his thoughts when he got a text from Colt,

"TURN ON YOUR TV NOW, RAW!" He turned it on just in time to see Ruby calling out Vince, she planted herself in the middle of the ring, he hoped Vince would just show his face on the titantron and give her the damn match, but instead he saw Triple H walking down the ramp looking annoyed, she practically yawned, she pipe bombed him and challenged him to a fight, ok it couldn't get worse right? Wrong Stephanie McMahon came out, shit, Punk found himself torn between wanting to see what she would do next to running down there and stopping her before she did something to get her blacklisted completely in the wrestling industry. He stood paralyzed as she jumped from turnbuckle to turnbuckle shouting about Justice before he ran for the venue, by the time he reached it he saw Ruby beating on the doors of the venue

"YOU HAD TO BE ESCORTED OFF THE PREMISES?!" He yelled, she spun around, automatically blushing.

"Did you like my pipebomb?" She asked shyly, sashaying over to him, he looked down at her in confusion.

"You are quite possibly the craziest person I've ever met." He shook his head in disbelief

"So that's a yes?" She batted her eyelashes at him

"Good thing you're as hot as you are crazy" he continued, she looked up at him impatiently

"You loved it, you wish you had thought of it" she teased

"I likes the bit where to quoted the great man" he smirked, she smacked him,

"I've been suspended for a week, and then they want me to take some time off" she informed him, he looked at her surprised

"And that means no title shot?!" He gasped, she nodded "why are you so calm?"

"Cookie you insult me" she clucked "have I ever been one to lie down and take it?" A playful smirk pulled across his lips

"Well last night..." She smacked him, he cleared his throat "I mean no of course not"

"Exactly" she winked, "I've got something up my sleeve, I always do" he pulled her close by her lower waist

"So does this plot have to be executed any time soon or do we have time for ourselves?" He asked kissing her jaw and moving down her neck

"That's to be determined" she laughed, his hands cupped her ass causing her to moan "why do you ask Mr. Brooks?"

"Well Mrs. Soon to be Brooks," he said muffled by her neck as he kissed and nipped his way back to her ear, "I've just been DYING to get you of this new ring gear" he whispered before biting her earlobe, "so we need to get you back to the hotel" he muttered tugging on her shorts

"What's wrong with right here?" She whispered, he looked at her in a mix of admiration, surprise, and desire

"Oh don't threaten me with a good time." He smiled, she tugged at his pants, "wait Rue, I have to to tell you something"





"She hasn't given us her answer" growled The largest impatiently, as they watched the couple argue, the red haired girl looked furious as she pushed him

"I wish I knew what they were saying" muttered the middle one, he tucked a bleached strand of hair off his face

"She has time, we gave her until Extreme Rules, she'll make the right choice" nodded the leader, not bothering to look.

"She'll be useless we don't need her" the largest rolled his eyes,

"She'll be of extremely good use. You saw how she handles the McMahon's, and it's obvious she wants justice served" told him the leader still not bothering to look up from what he was doing, the middle one still stared at the bickering couple as she stomped away after slapping him

" "I wonder if they're breaking up" he sounded hopeful

"Will you stop drooling over that little bitch?!" Growled the large one annoyed "could you be anymore obvious?!" He laughed mockingly

"Shut up Roman! She's not a bitch! She's perfect and you're just mad because-" The middle one pushed him

"Seth you bring that up I will shove my fist so far down your throat-" warned Roman

"Both of you stop arguing like children! I think now is as good a time as ever to have a memory refreshing talk with Miss. Redfox, or should I say, soon to be Mrs. Brooks" he smirked as he began to walk in the direction Ruby had taken off in.





"What?" She asked confused, he pulled away rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"Well...uh" he began "last..."he muttered something

"What? I didn't hear you" she raised an eyebrow at him

"Uh well's kind of a good thing you didn't have a match because..."he sighed "shit I don't know how to tell you this" he groaned she looked at him alarmed

"Just tell me!" She urged shaking his shoulder, she was trying not to get mad

"The..."he muttered something she thought she heard broke at the end

"Punk just spit it out!" She yelled impatiently

"Thecondombrokelastnight." He said really fast but she managed to hear it, she gasped.

"WHAT?!" She was ready to murder him

"The condom broke" he told her again.

"I heard you! HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN?!" She grabbed him by the shirt

"I don't know...I guess...I don't know"

"Fuck! You're an idiot! I bet you it was that old ass condom you had saved for your sluts!" She yelled at him,

"Ruby calm down" he tried to hold her but she pushed him off

"What if I'm- oh God I don't even want to say it! Fuck! My career is ruined! I'm ruined! I knew never should've- fuck!" She yelled him

"Ruby-"he tried to grab her again, she pushed him off and slapped him hard on the cheek,

"I need to cool off" she hissed before storming away, her head spinning with crazy thoughts. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck" she muttered, she felt on the brink of tears, no title, suspension, and her career might be over, this had to be the worst day of her life. "Why is this happening to me?!" She whimpered as she walked around, she didn't know what she was doing

"Always lovely running into you Ruby" she heard a familiar voice behind her, she turned around to see a smirking Dean Ambrose,

"Look Dean this isn't a good time" she groaned,

"Ah but Ruby if we always waited for the right time we wouldn't w as successful as we are" smirked Seth cupping her face, she pushed his hand off,

"Actually you'd be more successful" she mocked

"Sometimes you have to MAKE it the right time, smartass" growled Roman,

"What do you guys want?!" She growled annoyed "you gonna rough me up again?" She asked her voice sounding just a little too hopeful

"We've come to congratulate you for your little outburst, it seems Justice has become an interest of yours," Seth clapped, blowing her a kiss

"So we want to know, do you accept?" Asked Dean





Yayyyy update finally, I've decided I will make Dare to Love as a branch of this story and on the timeline it will be between this one and the last one. It's going to be sooo good. Tell me what you think please comment, vote, and fan!


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