Eighteen- Back to Square One.

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"So Ruby tell us who's your dream match against?" Asked the radio host, she didn't quite remember his name, but he was a local DJ in the New York/New Jersey area, it was now the Saturday before Wrestlemania and she had spent the days between Tuesday to now avoiding calls from PJ, avoiding sad puppy dog looks from Punk, and pretty much just laying low and hanging out with Nick. Nick had become a good friend, surprising her by how much of a gentleman he was, never trying to come on to her. He had even accompanied her to get her stitches checked, they had told her they wouldn't be able to remove them until Monday, but she was cleared, high risk but cleared nonetheless. She smiled as she thought for a moment

"Without a doubt Chyna, at Wrestlmania, main event of course, in a TLC or Hell in a Cell match. Can you just imagine it? Ugh sends shivers down my spine!" She laughed

"That would be the match of the century" he agreed

"Yeah she is definitely one of the greatest if not the greatest diva the WWE has had, I know a lot of people think Trish and I don't want to step on any toes but she was a great diva, but Chyna, she fought men! And she was good at it, she didn't take crap from anyone, she wasn't just anyone's little accessory!"

"Is that why you refuse to walk out to your boyfriends music?" Asked the DJ

"Partly" she shrugged

"About that, what's going on with you and PJ and Phil? You engaged? I see you're wearing Pjs ring or are you with Nick?"

"Oh...it's all storyline really...and I haven't quite accepted its more of me just holding on to it until I see him again...Nick and i are just really good friends...as for Punk and I...there's nothing there..." She trailed off uneasy. "Anyway I'm here to discuss my match at Wrestlemania not my nonexistent love life!" The DJ chuckled

"Alright, but before we move on to that, can I ask one last question about your nonexistent love life" she sighed


"What's this about you having something to do with Jeff Hardy?" She practically choked on her own spit, she cleared her throat.

"The only thing I've ever had to do with him was the fact that he trained me, that's it"

"So nothing romantic there Ruby?"

"No not at all." She said emotionless.

"Alright" he chuckled "so Wrestlemania, you're feeling confident?"

"Of course, this is nothing off my back, my only concern is hoping that my stitches don't rip open and I bleed out in the ring" she laughed

"We're all betting on you! But a first loss at your first ever Wrestlemania would be brutal!"

"Well that's not gonna happen!" She laughed "I'm a new streak in the making!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen the ever confident Ruby Redfox, alright we're going to take some phone calls now" she nodded

"first call hi you're live with Ruby Redfox" she smiled

"Hey Ruby, you sure about there being nothing between us?"




Phil had just finished an intense work out with his physical trainer, his arm felt way better. He felt like he was definitely on his A game, he only had to last 2 more days without Ruby, the past 4 days had been hell for him, and he felt like he could barely take it. Seeing her with Nick killed him inside, but he fought the urge every single time to tear them apart from each other. He knew seeing them later that night at the induction ceremony was going to be hard. But he hoped everyday, that when he attempted to get her back she would get back with him but every time he grew less confident. She ignored him, she acted as if what they had shared never existed. He felt like he was back to square one with her. But he didn't care, he'd start the conquest all over if he had to, and so he found himself siting in the drivers seat of his bus, listening to some random radio station, letting Ruby's voice fill the bus. She was talking about the greatest diva, and Punk thought she would say herself, but she kept it humble and said Chyna. He smiled, she was so adorable

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