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"P-please let me go! I promise I'll tell you everything. Just one more-"


Blood sputtered everywhere as the man begging for his life merely a few seconds ago lay motionless on the ground. His limp body lay in a pool of blood, his eyes wide open and a bullet wound right in the middle of his forehead.

"Jeez. You could've been a little gentler." Chuckled a black haired man. His hair were tied up in a man bun and he wore a black mask. The only thing visible was the little mole under his eye.

"You know I'm not a fan of second chances, Hyunjin." Said another man, wiping the disgusting blood of his enemy from his face. "Besides, these Hyacinth rats already make me lose my temper quickly."

"Well, he was useless anyway." Said Hyunjin, taking off his mask as he made his way into the black van with his friend walking next to him. "Atleast he got the privilege of being killed by the one and only Lee Minho. Or should I say the Viper?"

Minho chuckled, sitting inside the van. "I prefer being called the Viper. So, any more updates about the Hyacinth's intentions?"

"Some of my men went to investigate their secret base, and we found some hard drives. I've already informed Leader Jang and he's taking Seungmin along with him to crack the passcode."

"Seungmin, huh? What happened at your date last week?" Minho said, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Let's keep this conversation strictly work related... Atleast for now." Said Hyunjin, his face hardening.

"Come on, don't tell me you rejected him again!" Said Minho in disbelief. "Don't you see how he's head over heels for you? Other people would die to be with a successful hacker like him!"

"I told you, I'm not interested and-"

"-I still like Jang Seonmi." The two finished together.

"Well, you know." Mumbled Hyunjin.

"Come on, Hyunjin. You know she's never going to like you back. Just move on already! Seungmin is perfect for you." Minho complained.

"Tsk tsk, you wouldn't know how love works, you foolish mortal." Said Hyunjin, rolling his eyes. "I've liked her for years. Just because some random guy-"

"Cute guy." Minho interrupted, taking a sip of water.

"Well, cute guy approaches me and tells me that he likes me, my mind wouldn't be changed."

"Even if it means you staying single and in a one sided love for the rest of your life?" Minho questioned with an eyebrow raised.


"See? You're not sure! Just give the poor boy a chance already!" Said Minho.

"Why don't you just shut up?" Hyunjin said feeling annoyed.

"Alright. I'll let you off the hook this time." Chuckled Minho as the two proceeded to get off the van. Nodding at the driver one last time, they made their way towards their leader's office, ready to fill him on about their mission.


"What the fuck were you doing? Sleeping?" Shouted the very angry leader of Hyacinth.

"Sorry boss. They just arrived so unexpectedly that we couldn't do anything and-"

"Well then you should've been prepared! There shouldn't have been a single mistake." He snapped, silencing everyone else in the room.

The man gulped at his leader's wrath, bowing his head down.

"What did they take?" Said the leader, running his hand through his already disheveled hair.

"T-the hard drives regarding the location of a few of our secret bases." The man mumbled.

"What?" Roared the leader. "Why the fuck are you still alive, you fool? How could you let such a mistake happen? Hundreds of people have their lives at risk just because of your laziness! I gave you one job." He gritted his teeth.

"Jisung, calm down-" Began the leader's right hand man.

"Don't you fucking dare tell me to calm down right now, Changbin hyung!" Snapped Jisung. "Just because this idiot," He said, pointing towards the shaking man, "couldn't do his goddamn work properly, so many of my people can risk their lives."

"Leave for now." Muttered Changbin and motioned towards the other man and everyone else in the room to quickly leave before they lost their lives.

Jisung sighed, slumping into his chair. "Father will be so disappointed now. Why can't anything go smoothly for once?"

"I'm sure Mr Han will understand. It wasn't your fault, Black Mask were simply too swift this time." Said Changbin, running his hand through Jisung's hair.

The younger relaxed under his hyung's touch. "Was it him again? The... Viper?" He whispered.

"Yes." Said Changbin, confirming the younger's doubts.

"Anything more on him?" Asked Jisung.

"Unfortunately, no. Best of our men, even BM and Chan hyung couldn't figure out anything about him. It's as if he doesn't exist outside of Black Mask. He's simply too good at covering up his tracks." Sighed Changbin.

"I swear, once I get my hands on that guy, I'm going to make him regret every single time he messed with the Hyacinth." Said Jisung, a fire of determination in his eyes.

"I can't wait to see him begging for mercy as I stand in control of his fate."


Aaand here we go! I'm super excited about this one. This has to be one of my most well planned books.

Minsung is my number one ship and I can't wait to try out new things in this book and test my abilities as a writer (possibly smut? Idk. Don't get your hopes too high though).

I hope you guys are just as excited as I am. See you all soon!

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