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"Jisung, get your ass back here. Let Chan hyung do the main work." Changbin hissed into his earpiece as he stood in the middle of the dance floor, looking for his leader.

"I know what I'm doing, hyung. How about you trust me for once?" Jisung snapped. And after that, the line went dead.

He could understand where Jisung was coming from though. They had gotten the information that Jang's daughter and the Viper were there in that club. Jisung was ready to go to any extent to get his hands on the vicious killer.

He was ready to do anything to get his revenge. And that worried Changbin.

With a sigh, he continued looking for Jisung. Barely a few minutes passed as he noticed something from the corner of his eye. At first he ignored the two figures disappearing in the hallway, but decided to check it. His gut feeling was telling him that something was wrong.

He pushed through the crowd and after a lot of struggle, finally made his way towards his destination. He was quietly walking through the quiet hallways when suddenly, a man with a mask on his face appeared in front of him. The man took one glance at his face and immediately turned in the other direction to leave.

Changbin felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Deciding to go in the direction where the masked man was coming from, Changbin basically started running.

What met his sight a few minutes later was definitely not what he had expected to see.

"Jisung!" He blurted, seeing the younger sprawled out on the floor.

"Hey! Wake up!" He shook the younger aggressively, trying to wake him up.

"Hm?" Jisung mumbled, slightly opening his eyes. "Changbin hyung?"

"Keep your eyes open, you idiot!" Changbin scolded, slapping the younger's cheeks slightly.

He was picking Jisung up when he saw it. The wound on his arm.

A wound that was slowly turning blue.

Oh lord. Jisung is going to be so mad when he finds out the Viper slipped through his very fingers.

With a sigh, Changbin carried the younger towards their car.

He just hoped the poison wasn't deadly enough to kill Jisung. If Jisung dies as well, all hell would break loose.

Mr Han was definitely not going to be happy about this.


Monotonous sounds of beeping hit his ears as Jisung tried to move to the other side of his bed when sunlight hit his eyes.

He tried moving, but it was as if something was holding him back. He winced in pain as he felt something pull at his hand.

Jisung slowly opened his eyes, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. It was white. Too much white. His head hurt from too much brightness. A pipe was connected to his hand, making it difficult for him to move.

"Congratulations. Your wound is the same colour as your hair now." A deep voice spoke up, making Jisung roll his eyes.

"Atleast I'm not dead." Jisung said, his voice coming out in a rasp. Just then he realised how thirsty he actually was. "Water," He mumbled.

Felix, his friend and the most efficient doctor of Hyacinth, held out a glass of water and a few tablets to his leader.

"You should be thankful that you're still alive. The Viper could've easily killed you right there and then. Do you think he knew who you were?" Said Felix, preparing an injection for Jisung.

"He seemed to know that I was from Hyacinth." Jisung said, taking a sip of water.

"It could've been just a guess though. How would he-" Felix began talking, but the sound of door opening interrupted him.

"Thank god you're awake! Do you even know how worried I was?" Changbin barged in, seeming to be out of breath.

"You treat me like a kid." Jisung scoffed.

"Well, we can't have your immature self always getting yourself in trouble, you know?" Changbin shot back.

"I'm a an adult, hyung. A fucking 23 year old adult." Jisung protested in annoyance.

"But yet, you choose to make the dumbest decisions ever and don't once think about the consequences." Changbin retorted.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Always telling me what to do and what not to do. I can take decisions for myself. I'm not a dumb doll who's gotten to this position just to sit and smile. If I'm gonna be replacing my brother, atleast let me try to be like him!" Jisung snapped, the bubble of anger in him finally bursting.

Changbin looked a little taken aback and hurt. With a sad look on his face, he spoke up. "I only wish the best for you, Ji. I know you weren't prepared for this. I was just trying to help."

"Well, I don't need your fucking help. I can do things on my own. You ruin my plans, and stop me from doing things that could be potentially beneficial to us. Let me do my work, Seo Changbin. And you do yours. Your work is to take orders from me not order me around!" Jisung said, his loud voice ringing through the quiet room.

"Alright, that's enough. You're not in the condition to stress too much, Jisung. Take a rest." Said Felix, shooting Changbin an apologetic look.

He grabbed the older's arm and took him out.

Jisung watched the other two leave as felt a pang of guilt in his heart.

But he had enough. And he had reached his limits of tolerance. With one last thought about it, he fell asleep.


"Are you alright?" Felix asked, handing the older male a cup of coffee as the two sat in his office.

"Mhm," Changbin hummed, not looking up from his phone.

"Hey, Bin." Felix mumbled, sitting next to the buff man and taking his hands in his own. "You know Jisung didn't really mean it, right?"

"Yeah, Lix. I know. It's just... I didn't know he thought of me to be that annoying." Changbin sighed, looking up to meet Felix's eyes.

"You're not annoying, Changbin. He's just overwhelmed right now. He has too much on his plate. With you constantly being on his back, he's feeling pressured. He's not used to any of this, and it's gonna take time. Just... give him some time." Felix said in a soothing voice.

"I miss him. The old him." Changbin muttered, taking his head in his hands. "I don't like what those Black Mask bastards did to him."

"I miss him too." Felix said, resting his head on Changbin's shoulder. "But we can't change what's done. The old Jisung won't ever come back, Bin. He's hurt."

"I know. And I fucking hate it so much." Changbin seethed. "They killed our sweet innocent friend with huge dreams. They killed the pure Jisung who was always happy. They tore him apart. And I'm going to kill them for doing that, Lix. I fucking swear to god."

Felix looked at his friend with sympathetic eyes. "You won't have to do that. Jisung would end them himself and avenge everything that he's lost. We may have lost the old Ji, but now, a stronger and better version of him is born. One who seeks revenge and won't hesitate to destroy anything in his way. Let him do things his own way. That's all I'm gonna say."

Changbin just nodded his head, taking in Felix's words.

"We can just wait until something comes to lessen the fire in his heart, Bin." Said Felix, closing his eyes.

"Or rather, someone."


I forgot to mention earlier, but Changlix is also gonna be in this book hehe. Also, the chapter lengths are purely gonna be based on my mood. Meeting the word limit I set for myself is kinda tiring.

Let me know your thoughts and don't forget to vote!

See y'all soon!

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