Twenty Eight

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It had been nearly 24 hours since Minho had lost his consciousness. It was starting to worrying even Felix now, who took frequent updates on the phone call.

However, the one who was being affected the most was still Jisung. In less than a week he was supposed to fly to Paris for three long months. He knew Minho wouldn't be unconscious for that long but... he couldn't help but worry.

Minho was lying on his bed, and Jisung had tried his best to make the older as comfortable as he could, even if he couldn't feel it in that moment.

He heaved a sigh, softly caressing Minho's face as he watched the love of his life in a state where he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

But he wasn't.

If you just took a glance at Minho's sleeping face, you'd think he was calmly sleeping, in a serene state. His face was relaxed as he lay motionless. But only if you cared to inspect closely, you would see the cold sweat running down the side of his face and completely drenching his body. You would notice the frequent frowns and twitches of his brows and fingers.

He was in a state of distress, and he was somewhere Jisung couldn't reach him nor pull him out of. All he could do was just sit and watch, trying to shake the older from whatever nightmares that were troubling him.

Maybe Felix was right. Maybe it was some sort of trauma response which made Minho collapse. If only he hadn't been so selfish and foolish. Lord, it was eating him up, and he hated every second of it.

Taking a trembling breath in, Jisung leaned against the head board of his bed, resting his head against it as he sat next to Minho. One of his hands held Minho's unmoving one, while the other caressed the older's face.

He didn't know how many hours passed, but it seemed like he had somehow fallen asleep.

Because the next moment his eyes shot open, his surroundings were still pitch black. However, that wasn't of any concern to him.

His only concern were the sounds that woke him up. Sounds that Minho was making.

He woke up suddenly in confusion, turning on the lights as Minho stirred and said incoherent words in his sleep. He sounded so scared, as if begging to be taken out of his misery.

Jisung's heart clenched as he saw the terror in Minho's expression, the love of his life being trapped in a nightmare he couldn't escape from.

He slowly moved forward and wrapped his arms around the older, gently stroking his hair.

"It's okay, Minho. I'm here. You're safe." Jisung whispered, pressing a kiss against the older's head.

Minho's eyes fluttered open, panic and confusion evident as he struggled to orient himself.

Fear. So much fear lay beneath his eyes that Jisung felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.

"Jisung...?" Minho's voice came out in a broken whisper. Jisung's heart clenched painfully.

He took a hold of Minho'strembling hands. "I'm right here, I promise."

It was as if Jisung's voice flipped some sort of switch inside Minho. He quietly buried his face in Jisung's chest as tears began to fall.

Minho's sobs shook his body as he clung to Jisung, his fingers digging into Jisung's shirt as if letting go would send him spiraling back into the dark abyss of his memories. Jisung remained still, allowing Minho to release the anguish that had been haunting him.

Minho tried so hard to get a hold of himself. But all the barriers he put up instantly fell as Jisung's embrace tightened. He didn't know why he was crying. Maybe it was the pent up frustration and fear which he had been carrying for so long which were seeping through the cracks of his broken barriers.

"Shh, it's okay. Everything will be okay." Jisung whispered, holding Minho tight.

Was it, though?

For a long, long time, Minho's cries were the only source of sounds in the room. It almost felt like an eternity to Jisung until his breathing finally started to get normal. When he was sure that Minho had completely calmed down, he softly pulled away from the hug and held the older's face.

"You good?"

Minho nodded, looking at his hands. He didn't look up. He didn't know what to say or do anymore. Would he tell Jisung the truth? That his father's men are the one's who caused that agony?

No. He couldn't reveal that. If he did, Jisung would find about all his lies. He wanted to tell the younger, but not this way.

But he didn't want to lie anymore. It tore him apart everytime he did. And... maybe it was selfish, but he wanted to share this broken part of himself with Jisung. He wasn't scared anymore. And he didn't feel hesitant either, the trust he had in Jisung made him do things he would've never even thought about just until a few months ago.

He took a few deep breaths, trying to clear his mind of any unwanted images.

Jisung silently watched him with worry laced in his eyes as Minho looked at him. But he didn't interfere, he could see how much courage Minho was mustering up to not break apart again. And even if he did break again, Jisung knew he would never hesitate to hold the older close to himself.

"Jisung I... I need to tell you something." Minho said, his hands balling into fists. Jisung gently unclosed his hands and laced their fingers together.

They both knew what was coming.

"As long as you feel comfortable, I'm all ears."

Minho took a deep breath before his lips started moving on their own.

"I was... I was nine. I wish I didn't remember it all like I do but..." He started talking, and once he did, he couldn't stop.

It all went by in a flash. When he told Jisung the bits and pieces he could without letting out the whole truth, and when Jisung was crying with him as they both held each other... it all happened too fast.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, Minho." Jisung cried onto his shoulder. "I wish... I wish I was there for you sooner."

"It's all in the past, Ji." Minho whispered, barely controlling his voice from wavering. "You're here now, and that's all that matters to me."

Finally, after calming down and lying on the bed, and after Jisung had held him close once again, Minho felt like he had just lifted off a massive weight from himself that he should've done much, much sooner.

Jisung fixed a part of Minho without even doing anything and just being there for him. He fixed a part which Minho was too scared to venture into himself until now.

It was almost as if being with Jisung cured all his problems. Whenever he was with the younger, things always seemed to go his way. He found a courage within himself that was so addictive that it made him want to fight more. Fight for Jisung, and for a future he could only dream of. A future he hoped for, desperately.

That night, Minho made a wish.

Jisung wasn't just the guy he had somehow fallen in love with anymore. Because he knew that if Jisung was to be pulled away from him now, he would break in far worse ways than he did today.

He didn't want to let go now. Even if he had to fight for them his whole life, he would.

To be with Jisung, he would do anything. Jisung was his reason to fight and to live and to dream.

Jisung was his whole world now, and he would tear heaven and hell before letting anyone steal that away from him.


Hey shawty what's up?

Missed me? ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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