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"Lee, Hwang. Boss is calling for you." A man informed the two the moment they entered the base.

"Did we mess up?" Hyunjin muttered as they followed the guard.

"Maybe." Minho whispered back.

Han Jisung had quietly left the place after Black Mask was defeated. He had given Minho a reassuring glance before leaving, which only proved that Minho was out of the radar.

He didn't know for how long though.

Something about the whole situation was unsettling to him. The more he moved towards Seonjae's office, the more uneasy he started feeling.

The two soon reached their boss's office, hesitating before entering.

"Minho. Hyunjin. Come sit." Said Seonjae. His back was facing the two, but his voice didn't sound upset.

"Is something the matter?" Hyunjin hesitantly asked.

"No need to be cautious, kids. I'm not mad." Seonjae said and turned to look at the two, who relaxed at the older man's soft gaze.

"But we failed the mission," Said Hyunjin.

"No, you didn't. The mission went exactly how it was supposed to." Said Seonjae as he let out a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Said Minho, visibly confused.

"Why do you think Hyunjin was encouraged to turn against you?" Seonjae asked the youngest.

Hyunjin's eyes widened at realisation. "So you're really planning on sending him there?"

"Yes, that's right." Seonjae smiled.

"But..." Minho began, seeming a little hesitant.

"You've been trained for undercover missions thoroughly. You're one of my smartest and most trusted men. Not to mention you're a swift killer with your own way of killing. You're perfect in every aspect, Minho." Said Seonjae. "I've been planning on sending you on this mission for a long time. Now thanks to Hyunjin, we finally have an opportunity."

"Do I kill the Han?" Minho asked, a neutral look coming on his face.

Seonjae chuckled. "We'll get there, but before that there's something you must bring me."

Minho slowly nodded.

"They're planning on something big. For the past few months, Hyacinth's social connections have been growing tremendously. They have a purpose, and they're working on that. We've no clue what they are planning yet, but it has something to do with us. They've been asking around for Black Mask and after last night's fake meeting, it's more evident that they're trying to lure us in." Said the leader. "Minho, I want you to go and find that purpose. And once you do, do a damage to the Hyacinth that can't be replaced."

The oldest turned towards the giant window in his office. Taking a deep breath before speaking.

"I want you to end their bloodline forever so that they can never rise again. I want you to kill Han Jisung. Can you do that?"

Minho nodded his head without a beat's hesitation.

"I will. I'll do anything it takes to end those bastards. I'll avenge every single person who lost their lives because of Hyacinth and their dirty plays. I promise you that." Minho said firmly, a look of determination on his face.

"I'm proud of you, Minho. And I have no doubt on your capabilities. Bring us victory, all of it." Said Seonjae.

Minho had always had a purpose of ending Hyacinth. But finally after all those years, he now had a direction.

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