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"One, two, three! Keep going, yes! Just like that!" Hyunjin cheered as Minho threw quick punches at the dummy.

Minho then took a slight step back and jumped to kick the dummy's abdomen swiftly. If it was a real person, he wouldn't be getting up after that.

"Woohoo!" Hyunjin cheered again as Minho took the towel from around his neck to wipe the sweat on his face.

"I'm always amazed at your combat skills." Hyunjin said as Minho sad down next to him on the bench. "At this point, you don't need weapons but instead, weapons need you."

Minho chuckled at his best friend's rambling. "Maybe you should start training seriously too."

"Nah, it's not really my thing. I know enough to defend myself, and the rest is taken care of by my shooting skills." Said Hyunjin, pretending to hold a gun in his hands and pointing it forward.

"Valid point, I guess." Minho shrugged.

The two sat in comfortable silence for a while until Hyunjin decided to break it.

"Hyung! This reminds me, me and a few other are planning to go to this club tonight. Fancy joining us?" Hyunjin asked.

"No thanks. Parties aren't my thing." Minho said without a beat's hesitation.

"Come on, it's gonna be fun! I'm sure there are plenty of hot people there to hook up with." Hyunjin said, trying to lure the older.

"I'm gonna pass." Minho shook his head and got up.

"Come on! It's gonna be worth it. I promise!" Hyunjin begged.

Minho paused, turning to look at the younger. "What're you getting out of me joining this time?"

Hyunjin looked surprised for a second, but turned to look at his hands soon after. "Well, Seonmi said she won't go if you aren't there..." Hyunjin mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

"I knew it." Said Minho.

"So, will you come?" Hyunjin asked with pleading eyes.

"This is the last time, Hwang. Don't expect anything from me after this." Minho sighed.

"Yay! You're the best! I love you hyung!" Hyunjin squealed, getting up from his seat to hug the older male.

"Whatever." Minho said, rolling his eyes. But he couldn't help the slight smile forming on his face.

He couldn't see Hyunjin getting hurt trying to impress Seonmi. Both of them knew he had no chance, but Hyunjin never stopped. He said that if he tried hard enough, Seonmi would recognise his efforts and fall in love with him someday.

He said that despite knowing who she actually liked. But Minho didn't have the heart to tell him to stop, so he let the younger continue with his futile efforts.

"Get ready by eight. Well leave then. See you later!" Hyunjin said, turning to leave.

As the younger got out of his sight, Minho let out another sigh.

He truly hated parties as they made him feel suffocated. It was basically socialising with the same bunch of toxic people, who wanted nothing more than to befriend him because of his fame.

And him, being one of the most ruthless members of Black Mask, had to maintain his distance so that no one got too close.

He only visited the parties that were hosted for him and his victories- which to his dismay, happened to be a lot.

He began strolling towards his room, his mind wandering to various places. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice a figure starting to follow him.

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