chapter 26

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Harry's pov.

"So you excited," I say walking into Jennifer's room as she is studying.

"Excited for what," she says spinning around in her chair.

"Today is Halloween," I say excitedly.

"It's cute how excited you get for stupid things," she says turning back around.

"Hey Halloween isn't stupid Halloween is cool," I says walking up to her and pulling her chair towards me.

"Plus how didn't you know almost every house on the street is decorated," I asked confused.

"I don't pay attention to stuff like that I guess," she says shrugging her shoulders.

"Well either way you are getting dressed up and celebrating with me," I say.

"I don't want to what's the point the only thing people are age are doing is going to parties it's not like anyone wants us more specifically me at a party," she starts ranting on.

"Well your probably right but we can still have fun just us," I say.

"What about your parents,"she asks confused.

"There going on a date," I say.

"A date on Halloween not very romantic," she say leaning back in her chair.

"Yeah I know right," I say laughing slightly.

"So what are we going to do,"she asked.

"We are going to dress up and hand out candy while we watch some classic Halloween films sound good," I say.

"Sure but it's kinda late for outfits right," she points out.

"Yes but how about we can be ghost I have some spare bed sheets we just cut holes in it and bam ghost," I say standing up.

"Fine," jen says standing up.

"So how do we look," I ask my parents once we get downstairs.

"Like a couple of ghost," my mum says.

"Well that's good considering we are ghost," jen says.

"Let me take a quick picture of you two," my dad says.

Me and jen standing next to each other for the picture.

"Awww you both look so cute," my dad says.

"Oh it's almost 7 we need to leave now before we are late," my mum says looking at her phone

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"Oh it's almost 7 we need to leave now before we are late," my mum says looking at her phone.

"Ok bye guys don't stay up to late and harry niente sesso non sono ancora pronto per diventare nonno," my dad says shutting the door.

"Ok dad," I say slightly embarrassed even if Jennifer didn't understand.

"What did he say," Jennifer asked.

"Oh nothing let's put the movies on," I say walking towards the living room.

"Ok do what are we watching first," I ask.

"Hocus pocus I loved that movie when I was littel," Jennifer says.

"Hocus pocus it is then Oh wait let me quickly get the snacks," I say quickly going to the kitchen for snacks.

"Ok ready," I ask as I put the film on.

I see jen nod her head as I turn the film on and get cozy.

Just as we where about halfway through the door bell rang.

"Looks like we have are first trick or treaters for the night," I say standing up.

"Ok go get the candy," jen says once I stand up.

I quickly grab the bowl and open the door.

"Trick or treat," the kids say holding out there bags filled to the brim with all kinds of diffrent candy's.

"Wow amazing costumes guys," I say to them while gives them there candy.

"Have a great Halloween," jen says as they leave.

"I miss when I was young and did trick or treating this one time me and cora ate so many chocolates that the day after both of us had to get fillings it was amazing not for us ovisly but a very good memory," jen tells me.

I secretly love hearing all of the cool fun story's that she tells me about her and cora makes me sad I never really got to know her.

We continued to watch movies and give out candy untill we fell asleep in each others arms.

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