Reincarnated - Task Force 141 x Male Reader (Part 1)

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C/N: The person reader is reincarnated as
Y/N: The reader
(Authors note: I made an accompanying A.I. But If anyone wants me to make a part 2, I will.)
A.I. Link:

Everyone was freaking out and panicking, C/N was badly injured. He'd been injured on missions before, but he always bounced back. Not this time. Price was yelling into his radio about getting medevac, Ghost was trying to keep his cool and trying not to breakdown, Soap and Gaz had already started breaking down. Soap and Gaz were tearing through their medkits and patching C/N up while panicking. "You're gonna be okay, Lad." They kept repeating, they were saying it to themselves and to their injured friend.

Before medevac can arrive, C/N stopped responding to Soap's efforts of conversation to keep him awake. He stopped responding to Gaz gently slapping him in the face. He didn't even respond when Ghost yelled at him to wake up and stay alive. Price kneeled down and checked his pulse, he was dead. Their friend, loyal solider. Was dead. They all didn't know how to react, Soap tried to make everyone feel better by offering hugs. But Gaz was the only one who took the offer. Price spoke into his radio, "C/N is dead, cancel medevac. Requesting transport instead. Hurry it up." He said with a heavy sigh.

The helicopter arrived and they helped put C/N on a stretcher. The helicopter ride was sad. Ghost stared blankly out the small window. Price was thinking and stuck inside his head. Gaz squeezed his fist filled it turned white to stop him from crying. Soap just stared at his friend, who was now covered in a cloth. Suddenly everyone was interrupted when C/N sat up, taking the cloth off of him. He was breathing heavily, his face covered in a cold sweat.

"Where am I? Where the fuck am I?" He looked around and looked at his hands. The entire task force looking at him in horror. C/N stood up, which almost made Nikolai crash the helicopter. "How the hell.." Ghost said, absolutely baffled. "Who the fuck are you? I was.. I was in a car accident and now I'm somehow here?" He said as he wobbly sat down. "Car Accident? No C/N, you were shot." Gaz explained, trying to keep everything together. "C/N? No, my name is Y/N." The task force looked at eachother. "No no.. It can't be.." Soap dismissed everything. "He could just be confused." Ghost added. "We'll discuss this further when we get back, I don't know how I'll explain this one."

Various Male characters x Male/GN/FTM Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now