its a good day

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You decide to push all of the negative thoughts away and just change.Once your finished getting dressed into your bikini,your kind of embarrassed..You know,since the boy's haven't seen you in years.

After a few minute's, your done changing,then come out of the stall where Tom,Bill and Georg are waiting for you since Gustav had already already gone into the water.

You all begin your way over to the water,but one strange thing is that Georg has his arm over your shoulder..And Tom is glaring at you both.

Anyway's,you all get into the water and it's like a dream come true..Like you feel like you wanna scream,oh my lord like wow!! You're nervous and excited at the same time.You're crush since you were a child is in the sea with you.. (its obvi tom.)

So..Your all having a good time,like your all in the ocean messing around.But the best thing about being at the beach together is probably sending waves towards bill. (It makes his makeup smudge and his hair goes weird.)

Soon enough,its time to leave and go home.So you all go back into your claimed changing stalls,and change into your original outfit.

You meet Tom,Georg and Gustav outside of the stall's but there's no sign of Bill,making you all go looking for any sign's of him.

The first place you check,is obviously his changing stall and find him straight away.

"Um...Someone stole my trousers..!" Bill admits.

You all burst out laughing,and Bill end's up borrowing Tom's swim shorts that are still soaked.

childhood bestfriend - tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now