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After what feels like minute's,the tour bus arrives so you all begin gathering your belongings.

Tom helps you carry some of your bags since you have three of them,right now you're feeling nervous and excited all together about the tour since you've never been away from home.

Bill notices you acting weird like biting your nails and making weird movements so he comes over and asks

"Y/n are you feeling okay..? You're acting a bit odd," while talking he puts an arm around you just so you know everyone is there for you.

Once everyone has made sure they have  everything they need,Georg announces he forgot his ipod charger in the kitchen so he runs inside to grab it.

It isn't rare that Georg has to be the one to always forget stuff since he has always been forgetful just like you,thinking of Georg forgetting his phone charger reminds you of when you slept over your auntie's house and left your laptop there. (It's sad bc no wattpadd for 2 weeks)

After waiting for everyone,you all get helped onto the bus because the steps are atleast 12 inches high up. Inside of the tour bus was unimaginable,it almost had everything from snack bar's to your own separate room.

 Inside of the tour bus was unimaginable,it almost had everything from snack bar's to your own separate room

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verything looked cosy,it was luxury but for only 2 month's.

The first stop is Magdeburg, currently you're all in Berlin so it's about 157.9 km away. Added on is one extra hour since you have to decide on a hotel somewhere where isn't crowded.

The boy's all go to change where their beds are,leaving you in the main sitting area for 10 minute's max until they all come back,to suprise Tom is wearing red,fluffy pyjama's so you jokingly say.

"Cute Jammie's Kaulitz." You laugh,but he always has an answer and replies.

"Hey! My Mother bought these for me," you knew he was just joking but he does look like a large little boy wearing those so you just nod.

For hour's everyone is on their electronics,so it's quite boring until Bill speaks up.

"Does anyone want to start deciding on a place to stay?" And everyone nods so you start browsing on your laptop and find a spacious hotel that isn't crowded or fully booked.

"Hey,i found a nice hotel about 20 minute's away from here." You say softly,then Bill asks.

"Give your laptop here real quick Y/n i wanna see!!" So quickly you pass it over and Tom,Georg and Gustav gather around bill to take a look and everyone agrees so Georg tells the driver where to go.

You hope the drive doesn't take too long because you're already tired and don't want to fall asleep on the bus,and lucky for you there isn't traffic and the drive only takes 15 minute's.

You hope the drive doesn't take too long because you're already tired and don't want to fall asleep on the bus,and lucky for you there isn't traffic and the drive only takes 15 minute's

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The hotel isn't as fancy as it looked in the picture but in the end its only for 5 day's,so you all grab your bags and head inside with expected security surrounding you.

When inside,you have to choose who you want to share a room with since there is only 4 rooms available.

A.Tom B.Bill C.Gustav D.Georg

A. You decided to choose Tom since everyone else seemed tired and groggy,but when you both went into your shared room it was a single double bed meaning you have to share,since Tom is already in his pyjama's you go into the bathroom to change and fold up your clothes and put them away. Coming back into the main room Tom is already in the bed so you lay next to him and watch a movie when suddenly a strong arm wraps around your waist and guides you closer,obvi it's Tom and the for the rest of the night you both cuddle while sleeping.

B. Bill begged you to share a room with him,so you agree and in the sleeping area there are two single beds but Bill pushes them together to make a double bed. After you're done changing you get into bed with Bill; he reaches into his bag and pulls out a small notebook and asks if you want to play the game where we have to take turns choosing letters for eachother and if you aren't choosing the letter you have 1 minute to name an animal,food and object only starting with that letter. So you say yes and that's what you both play for hour's until you fall asleep on top of bill.

C. Since Gustav is nice and you know he won't be annoying or rude you follow him into his room;once again there is a double bed so you get into bed with him and when you get to close he turns around and points at the gap inbetween your pillows and says you don't come over my side stay on your side. And for the rest of the night you both sleep but gustav punches you anytime you roll over onto his side of the bed.

D. Georg rolls his eyes and he is already in bed two seconds after you get into the room,and for the whole night all he does is fart and sleep.

When you wake up (whoever you chose to share with) is already awake so you get up and get dressed to prepare for the day ahead,once everyone is up and dressed you head out to the tour bus since Bill,Tom,Georg and gustav need to be at the stadium for the show in 2 hour's.

childhood bestfriend - tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now