Photographs And Phonecalls (Fedemila) /4/

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Ludmila P.O.V.

I take out another picture from my photo album, after putting one in. This was just a picture of a picture that Federico had given me-yes a picture of a picture-, when he came back after he became famous. Those were the good days, well it became better later on when we began dating.

He would take me out on picnics, I had many pictures of those. He would take me by the bridge. And one of the best memories I have of him is when we kissed, and we had stalkers, Nat and Maxi who took a picture for us. We were grateful when we looked past the stalker part.

I miss Fede. He had to go back to Italy for a long time, he said he had to 'fix' things up before he could come back. That was 2 years ago. We still talk, we are still together. The long distance relationship thing. But it's hard.

People would say it's difficult, but one doesn't really understand the pain until you experience it. The last two years I apologised to all the fictional characters who cried for days–I unfortunately knew what it was like.

I really miss him. It's like a part of me is gone whenever he isn't here. Even though we talk, it isn't the same like talking to him face to face. He might be dating somebody else, when he said he had to 'fix' things up. He was probably 'fixing' himself up a date.

I look at the photographs again. Us smiling into the camera, when somebody would take it or we would take it ourselves. He would always make sure we took pictures, like he knew he was going to leave me.

I couldn't take it anymore and I push all the photos into the floor breaking a few frames, tearing a few photos and ruining the albums a bit.

"No!" I cry.

I fall onto the floor. Why did this have to be so hard? Why did life have to be so hard without the person who love? Why couldn't be easy, and then you could believe they were coming back?

I try picking them up but my tears just wet them until I finally gave up, letting out a strangled sob.

I put my back against the bed and bring my knees up to my chest. I'm my hating life right now, I'm pretty sure life hates me too. My whole life has been hard, trying to find real friends. Trying to convince everybody and myself that I was a supernova.

It was all too hard. Until Federico came. He changed me. Gave me real friends. He finally made me feel like I belonged. And now the only person who loved me is gone. Nobody will love me like he did.

I begin to sob into my hands. All the stupid photos, stupid album, stupid frame, stupid Federico, stupid love, stupid life. Everything was stupid!!

"Ludmi!" My mother calls from downstairs.

Sadly I can't ignore somebody like her. She is too hard to ignore, her and her pushy personality, and getting so angry for no damn reason. I get up and wipe my tear stained cheeks.

I get downstairs and she has the phone in her hands. I take it from her and call 'Hi' into the phone

"Hello Supernova, missed me?" Said a voice I knew all too well. Supernova. Whenever he said it, I believed it.

"Fede!" I say happily into the phone.

"I have news," He says but I can feel his frown,

"What is it?" I ask with fear in my voice.

"It's going to be quite a while 'till I can come back," Fede tells me and I feel a lump in my throat.

"Oh, bye," I say quickly into the phone. I let out a shaky breath, clutching the phone against my chest.

Why? Why did this have to happen? My mood dropped so fast it was like I was plummeting towards the ground. Just when I got happy, I thought, hey, maybe he will be telling me how much he loved me and that he would be coming back.

I run upstairs into my room and run onto the bed. I push my face into the pillow and begin crying again. Was there even a chance of me ever seeing Federico ever again, at this point it seemed impossible. I could hear Fede's voice saying to me, 'nothing is impossible' pfft! That lair! He said he would never leave me.

I get up from the bed and throw the pillow onto the floor. I go to the bathroom. I just need to calm myself down. I let the warm water wash over my skin as the shower gel soaks in. I wash my face with my strawberry face wash and rinse it with the water.

When I'm finished I get out and wrap a towel around my body. I find a smaller one and wrap up my knotty wet hair. I get out of the bathroom barefoot, I liked the feel of the cold wooden flooring.

I get into my room and take off the towels. I put a gown on and dry my hair. There wasn't any point, I mean it's not like I had somebody to look nice for. I change after brushing the knots out my hair.

I look onto the floor and see the frames, albums, and photos still on the floor. I bend down and begin to pick them up, tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't express how much I missed him.

"Ludmila!" My mother calls again and  once again I can't ignore her.

I trudge downstairs and find rose petals leading outside. She smile at me and motions for me to follow them. I follow them outside and find a table set neatly. Then somebody comes out of the corner and I squeal in delight.

"Fede!" I shout and run up to him.

He catches me in his arms and spins me around. I kiss his nose.

"My supernova," He whispers into my hair.

He tells me to sit down when we break our hug. Fede then comes and stands next to me. I give Fede a confused look and then he takes out a flower.

"It's so pretty!" I say gratefully.

"Look closely," He tells me.

My eyes widen at the sight of a ring. When I look back up Fede is on his knee.

"Ludmila Ferro will you make the happiest man in the universe and marry me?"

"Yes! Of course yes!" I yell. He comes back up and kisses me.

I liked this one. Thanks for the suggestion MercyLambre I've got the idea for ruggechi! It shouldn't take too long. What did you think of this one


Again sorry they take soooo long!

(18/07/2016 so I added some description in this. And I really hope I got the point of a long distance across, because they are hard -I imagine- Well thank you for reading! ~Lexy 😈)

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