Adoption (Dion) /12/

465 19 5

Leon P.O.V.

"Are you ready?" Diego asks me. I shake my head. Today we were going to sign up to Dopt a child. Diego and I had married last year and now we are ready for a child. I'm just a bit scared of what the others will think.

"Dint worry about what the others might say, this is our choice, and I really want to share a child with you, my true love" Diego tells me and kisses my cheek.

"Okay then, let's go and try and adopt a child" I say giving him a smile. We walk into the adoption centre and to reception.

"Please may we go to the place to sign up?" Diego asks the receptionist. She winks at him but then realizes me.

"You two together?" She questions and I nod. She mutters something under her breath and Diego puts a hand around my waist.

"Go up three floors, turn right and it's the third door to you left" The receptionist says and Diego and I walk away.

"I only have eyes for you, and besides she is a woman" Diego whispers into my ear sending shivers running down my spine. Diego and I walk up the stairs to the third floor and turn right, like the receptionist had said. The third door on the left, I replayed in my mind and we walked towards the door.

Diego nods and we hear a muffled come in. I take a deep breath. This was it. This was the start of my proper life with Diego. We were going to make a string commitment now. Diego squeezes my hand and we walk into the room, after opening the door.

* * *

"Do you think we should tell everybody about what gender we are going to adopt?" I ask my handsome husband.

"I think we should, I will call everybody up to come later today" I nod and Diego walks out in the garden and I walk to the kitchen. I was the 'cook' in the relationship which was fine by me because it meant I didn't have to clean.

"They are all coming!" Diego yells to me and I yell back an 'okay'

Okay so this would be a bit more food than I would cook for just Diego and I. I I start cooking my pastas. Pasta was Diego and my favorite food I loved it so much! Soon the delicious smell of the pasta sauce filled the whole kitchen and some editing the kitchen.

I soon hear heavy footsteps coming down from upstairs. Soon enough Diego enters the kitchen in a hurry.

"Pasta?" He asks me but he pretty much knew. I nod and tell him,

"You sense of smell is getting better my boy!" Diego smirks and walks over to me. He snakes his arm around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder.

Diego begins kissing my neck. I loved the way he kissed, it was so soft and light. He knew that two because he switched to the other side of my neck.

"Enough Diego, I need to cook" I tell him firmly. He nods and gives me a kiss on the lips quickly and blows on my face. I roll my eyes and carry on cooking.

* * *

"Okay my lovely husband and I have something to say, it is very important" Diego tells everybody and I blush when he calls me a lovely husband.

"We are adopting a girl!" Diego and I shout together.

Everybody is silent for a bit but then they break in shouts of congratulations. They all of me up and hug us and congratulate us. This was an amazing feelings. It was hard for Diego and I to come out with our relationship and now everybody was fine with us adopting a child. It made me feel happy that people were accepting us and our decisions.

* * +

"Okay your daughter is coming in that car" The lady in control of the adoptions says pointing to a car coming our way.

"I'm so excited" Diego says to me excitedly in my ear. I smile at him and give him a hard kiss. We pull away and the car pulls up.

We run to the car and two men come out. One from the front, the driver and the other carrying a little child in a basket. He hands us the baby and the lady says other thing and we listen with one ear each. All that mattered was the bundle of joy in our hands.

"I love you Diego"

"I love you Leon"

Thanks for the suggestion LeenDabaja I hope you enjoyed this. Next up is a Franletta for MermaidWerewolf


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