Chapter 5 - Initiate Trials

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"No way," Kennedy said under her breath. She ran up to Ahsoka and hugged her tightly. "You don't know how much I've missed you," she said releasing from the hug.

"I've only been gone for a like a month," Ahsoka chuckled.

Kennedy sighed, "I know. I've just been going through a lot."

Ahsoka looked back to General Skywalker, and he gave her permission to leave with a slight jerk of his head and a smile. They begin to walk away together and talk.

"I'm sorry I didn't really get to say goodbye. Everything kind of happened really fast and they just sent me off to battle," Ahsoka said.

"No, you're okay. We're kind of at war now so I totally understand how hectic it is out there." Kennedy still couldn't believe those words. It felt like not that long ago, the Jedi Order were still peacekeepers and not generals.

"Master Skywalker told me about the council's decision on your punishment."

"Yeah," Kennedy paused, "but I'm actually not as behind as I thought I would be."


"Well, I worked by butt off for the last month and impressed Yoda. So I actually just took the test that they wanted me to take before my trials."

"Oh yeah? How'd that go?" Ahsoka was like the best supportive friend Kennedy could ask for.

"Good. They said I passed with flying colors," she chuckled slightly.

"That's good! When are your trials?"

"Next week."

"Oh, good. Hopefully we don't get sent anywhere before then so I can be here to cheer for you."

Kennedy wanted to change the subject, she was dying to hear about her first month as a Padawan learner. "Wait so where have you been?"

"Well I first started on Christophsis, then Jabba the Hutt's son was kidnapped so we went to Teth, then we went to the Abregado System, and then to the Bothawui System."

Kennedy raised her eyebrows, "Wow. That's a lot of places."

Ahsoka chuckled, "Yeah. Time flew by though."

"I'm sure. I can't wait to be as busy as you."

"Ugh, I'm so glad we have a week break. The council wanted Master Kenobi to come back, but he wouldn't tell me why. That's why we came back."

Kennedy slowed her pace as she felt an ominous feeling, as though something was about to happen. She looked behind her to see Master Kenobi and General Skywalker talking to Yoda, Master Windu, and Master Mundi.

"What? What's wrong?" Ahsoka asked, also looking back.

Facing back in front of her Kennedy said, "I have a funny feeling."

"About what?"

"I don't know," she said looking back at them again. This time she made eye contact with Master Kenobi. She quickly turned back around and quickened her pace again.

"Woah, Kennedy. What happened? What is going on?" Ahsoka chuckled while trying to catch up with her.

"I made eye contact with him," she said in a humorously strained voice. She rounded the corner and returned to a normal pace, thinking what her funny feeling could have meant. And it clicked, "Wait, Ahsoka. What if Master Kenobi is getting a new padawan?" she asked with her eyes wide open.

"Well, that could make sense. Both himself and Master Skywalker thought I was Master Kenobi's new padawan. Master Skywalker wasn't too happy to hear I was his padawan at first," she giggled.

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