Chapter 6 - The Blue Shadow Virus

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Kennedy's padawan training was off to a slow start. Master Kenobi had to deal with a traitor within the clone ranks after he got back from Orto Plutonia, so he told her to stay behind a little longer. She knew he was a busy guy, but she had hoped to at least see him since she became his Padawan.

After a week of training with Ahsoka, they got a transmission from General Skywalker and Master Kenobi. Kennedy switched on her comm link on her arm and a hologram of the Jedi Master appeared.

"Oh good, you're both there," Master Kenobi said. General Skywalker then walked into the hologram. "I apologize for disappearing, it has been a hectic week. We are needed on Naboo. Meet us at these coordinates."

"Yes Master."

"We'll see you there," Ahsoka added. The hologram switched off and once again Kennedy couldn't help but to smile. It was like Ahsoka could feel her excitement and she shot her a smile. Tired of being stuck in the Jedi Temple, they quickly made their way to a transport ship and took off.

"I need to take more flight simulation lessons," Kennedy said to break the silence.

"Oh, well you'll get a lot of training in the field. Here I'll show you how to jump to hyperspace." Ahsoka skooched over in her seat and Kennedy leaned in. "So you just put the coordinates in here, and over there is the lever. You just push it forward," Kennedy followed her instruction and pushed the lever forward, the stars around them turned into streaks of light across the cockpit and the ship jerked forward, blue light dancing around them. "And boom, we're in hyperspace."

"Huh, that's easier than I thought," Kennedy chuckled.


They reach Naboo and land in one of the General's command ships that was waiting in orbit around the planet for them. 

Master Kenobi came over to greet them. "Good to see you again young Padawans. We have gotten word that there is an invasion of Separatist droids down on Naboo and we've been tasked by Senator Amidala to check it out."

"I sense there is something worse waiting for us than droids. I would like to get down there as soon as possible," Anakin explained with a slight sense of urgency.

He shot Anakin a glare but his eyes were soft, "Patience Anakin, if that is the case, we want to be prepared. Now that we have our Padawans, we can get going."

"Why is General Skywalker so on edge?" Kennedy whispered to Ahsoka as they make their way to a clone transport ship.

"He and Senator Amidala have a close relationship from what I've seen. He's probably just worried about her."

Kennedy nodded, looking like she understood what Ahsoka just said, but her thoughts lingered; he seemed a little bit more than "worried".

The transport ride was silent, tension from General Skywalker putting everyone on edge as no one wanted to set him off. As soon as they landed and the door slid open, General Skywalker rushed out. "Where's Senator Amidala?" he ordered.

Kennedy's brows raised at his tone. What's going on with him all the sudden? Was he like this all the time?

"She went to look for the lab," the man who greeted them said.

"And you let her go?" he said slightly louder.

A golden protocol droid stepped forward, "Senator Padme can be very hard to stop once she had made up her mind."

General Skywalker let up, "Good point, I know what you mean."

Kennedy's eye's narrowed at this weird conversation. Master Kenobi briefly looked back at her and she quickly smiled, trying to hide her judgmental facial expressions.

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