Chapter 10 - A Visit to Mandalore

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A/N: This is an extra long chapter so I apologize in advance. I unfortunately had to cut out a lot of "unnecessary" dialogue from the episode so that it wouldn't be like over 4000 words😭

Kennedy and Obi-Wan flew together to Mandalore and landed on the busy landing platform outside of the city. She stepped out of her ship and noticed a royal guard waiting for them on a transport.

"The Duchess awaits you, General Kenobi," the guard said.

"Far be it from me to keep the Duchess waiting," Kenobi joked and they both hopped onto the transport. It was less of a ship and more of a floating platform with rails lining the edges. 

Kennedy gawked at the city surrounding them as they flew to the throne room. She had never seen anything like it despite living on Corasaunt all her life. The city was white and full of glass and geometric-shaped buildings. The transport stopped in front of an ornate building made almost completely of windows. She followed Obi-Wan through the doors and into the long room with a throne placed at the end, though no one sat in it.

They're met with a white-haired man. "General Kenobi," he called out.

"Thank you for meeting with me Prime Minister Almec. This is my Padawan Kennedy Odessa," he motioned to her and she smiled as she bowed her head. Obi-Wan and the Prime Minister talked while Kennedy just stood there and looked out of the large windows surrounding them. She wished the Jedi Temple had more windows thinking back to her quarters and how dark and gloomy it was. She wondered what Obi-Wan would say if she asked to stay here forever.

"Well," a woman's voice came from a nearby hallway opening and Kennedy diverted her attention, "Master Kenobi, my shining Jedi Knight to the rescue once again." The Duchess walked over to her throne and sat, the three of them stood before her. Her eyes fell on Kennedy, "Who is this?"

"This is my new Padawan learner, Kennedy Odessa," he motioned for her to step forward next to him.

"It's an honor to make your acquaintance, Duchess," Kennedy bowed her head.

"I haven't seen very many Pantoran Jedi. You must be very proud."

She smiled shyly, "Yes, it's an honor to represent my people in the Jedi Order, your Majesty." The Duchess smiles at her and Kennedy takes a step back behind her Master

"After all these years you're even more beautiful than ever," Obi-Wan flattered.

"Kind words from a man who accuses me of treachery," she snaped back but her face remained emotionless.

"I would never accuse you of personal wrongdoing, Duchess. However, a Separatist saboteur attacked one of our Republic cruisers, a Mandalorian saboteur." Obi-Wan then pulled out a holo-emitter showing a Mandalorian shooting at something out of the frame.

The Prime Minster spoke up, "You must be mistaken. No Mandalorian would engage in such violence. Not anymore. Where is this prisoner now?"

He switched the holo-emitter off and gripped it in his fist, "He took his own life rather than submit to questioning. I know these commandos fought in many wars, often against the Jedi."

"Every one of my people is as trustworthy as I am," the Duchess leaned forward in her throne, her knuckles were white from gripping the armrests in anger. Her face was hard, unlike the kindness she had shown Kennedy when she first arrived.

The man next to her stepped forward, "I know we sound defensive, but—"

The Duchess cut him off, "Clearly your investigation was ordered because the Senate is eager to intervene in our affairs."

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