Chapter 14 - A Strange Place

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Anakin switches on the communication link on the dashboard of the ship and a hologram of Rex illuminates in front of him. "Rex. Rex, do you read me? We're waiting at the rendezvous point awaiting your arrival. Where are you?"

"Sir, we're at the rendezvous point and there's no sign of you on our scanners."

"Oh, come on. That's impossible." Anakin turns to Obi-Wan who was sitting in the chair next to him. "Somethings wrong. We're at the exact coordinates where the distress signal originated, but there's nothing here. Rex is at the exact same coordinates and he's not here."

Obi-Wan reaches up to his chin to stroke his beard. "This is getting interesting."

"How could we be at the same place but not see each other? That makes no sense." Kennedy says from the seat behind Obi-Wan.

"...Unable to find you. Where are you sir?" Rex's hologram cuts out.

Ahsoka presses some buttons on the side dashboard behind Anakin, and is unable to reconnect them. "Something's blocking the signal." Suddenly, all the lights and electronics on the ship power down, leaving them sitting there in the dark.

Obi wan clicks buttons on the dashboard, "Not good."

"Everything's dead, even the life support." Ahsoka says while also clicking buttons on her dashboard.

"Hmm, this is really strange." Anakin sits there trying to process what is happening to them right now.

Kennedy scoffs, "You can say that again." Just as she finished talking, the electronics of the ship power back up.

"There. See? Nothing to be concerned about after all," Obi-Wan smiles.

Kennedy looks out in front of them and sees something odd. "Then what's that?" She points to a diamond shaped mass with weird markings all over it. She had never seen anything like it before. It definitely wasn't a ship, but it wasn't a moon or planet either. Their ship starts rapidly beeping and jolt forward as they begin to move toward the mass in front of them.

"It's pulling us towards it." Ahsoka says worriedly.

As they get closer, the mass splits into two halves. The middle part where it separated starts to glow with a bright light, seemingly coming from inside the mass somehow. They're pulled into the light and Kennedy shields her eyes.

"Everyone, strap yourselves in. Looks as though we're going for a ride." Obi wan says before the light fully engulfs them and everything goes black.


Kennedy takes a deep breath as she begins to wake up.

"I must've blacked out," Anakin says in a groggy voice.

"Then who landed the shuttle?" Obi wan asks, also having just woke up.

"No me." Ahsoka adds.

Everyone looks back at Kennedy. She looks back at them with furrowed brows, "Does it look like I landed the shuttle?"

Anakin looks out to the mysterious land visible from the cockpit. "Mmm, where are we?" Trees and grass surround them with cliffs on all sides of the ship.

Ahsoka pushes some buttons on the side board. "Some kind of organic mass. All of our readings indicate that it's bigger than an asteroid. But at least the atmosphere is breathable."

"Well this is getting more unusual by the minute." Obi wan tries to turn on the holomap, "I can't even lock down where in the galaxy we are...or if we are even in our own galaxy."

Anakin presses some buttons and the ships chirps to life. "Well the ships systems seem fine, but, for whatever reason, nothings working."

A weird feeling starts to creep up Kennedy's neck. "What if we were led into a trap somehow?"

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