Chapter 19 - Escape from Kadavo

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Kennedy and Ahsoka were lying in their cages hanging cages. A slight breeze flew through the bars and rocked them back and forth while they waited. Patiently waited for Anakin to come get them. However, Kennedy's patience was running thin. She didn't know how much more electrocution her body could take.

Both of them were sleeping when the sound of a rocket shooting by startled them both awake.

Something large landed on top of Ahsoka's cage. Kennedy had a hard time seeing through the metal bars but could make out a brown figure. She hoped it was not more guards to torment them. The guards had taken pleasure in electrocuting them— so much that her hands were now constantly shaking.

"Well, hello, Master." Ahsoka's voice was hoarse—from screaming. "Took you long enough."

Kennedy sighed with relief before shuffling over to the edge of the cage and reaching her shaky hands up to grip the bars, trying to get a better view of him.

"Well, I knew you had a nice view," Anakin said in the distance.

Anakin used the force to lift Ahsoka's cage off of its hook and let her out before doing the same for Kennedy.

"Boy am I glad you're back," Kennedy said as she crawled out of the cage.

"Are you two okay?" Anakin asked, eyes darting between the two of them.

Kennedy and Ahsoka both immediately used the force to break apart their neck collars, the electronics inside sparking. Kennedy had a slightly harder time with her hands still shaking.

"I sense a disturbance in the force," Kennedy said. She didn't know what Anakin had asked but knew something was wrong and had to make sure she wasn't going crazy.

"It's Dooku. I need you to get to our ship. Here," he handed Ahsoka a wrist com, "take this comlink."

Ahsoka's brows furrowed. "Where are you going?"

"The Queen knows where Obi-Wan is. Hold on to that comlink and wait for my signal."

Kennedy stepped forward, "I'm coming with you." She may have still felt terrible but she was still going to do everything she could to help.

"No, Kenz," he shook his head. "Sorry but there's not much you can do dressed like...that. I just need her to tell me where he is and I'll give you the signal."

Before Kennedy could open her mouth to retort, he turned on his heel and ran back into the palace.

"Come on, R2." Ahsoka said, starting their trek to their ship. Hopefully they wouldn't run into anyone while they were still dressed like slaves. Kennedy had enough nightmares last night about what the guards were capable of doing to her. She didn't want to imagine what anyone in the streets would do. R2 whistled and beeped as he followed after Ahsoka.

As soon as they got to the shop, they immediately changed into her normal clothes.

The feeling of pants had never felt so good. Kennedy's sleeves felt comforting after being half-naked for a day. She untucked her Padawan braid and let it fall in front of her shoulder. She had never been more happy to be wearing her boring Jedi garb.

They both waited in the cockpit for Anakin's signal. Kennedy rested her feet on the console and leaned back in her chair, stretching her legs after being cramped inside that cage for what felt like forever. They sat there in silence until the comlink beeped.

Ahsoka sat up in her chair. "That's our signal. Let's get going."

R2 beeped as Kennedy copiloted for Ahsoka and they took off, heading toward the location of Anakin's signal and back to the palace.

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