Chapter 13 - Trouble on Nal Hutta

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Kennedy and Obi-Wan barely make their way into the cruiser before they collapsed on a bench, exhausted after their mission. Kennedy ended up falling asleep first, after only resting on the bench for a few short minutes. Her head rested on Obi-Wan's shoulder so he didn't want to move, which led to him eventually falling asleep as well. It wasn't until Commander Cody came by that they woke up.

"Uh, General, sir," Kennedy jumps which woke up Obi-Wan. "Sorry Commander. General, you're needed on the bridge."

"Right," Obi-Wan grunts as he stands up. Kennedy gets up and follows after him.

"Sorry to wake you."

"Don't worry. Once we all get back to Corusaunt we can all get some well-needed rest," he says rubbing the back of his neck.

Kennedy yawns. "Aren't you tired Cody?"

"Not entirely," he says unsure.

"Do you ever sleep?"

He chuckles, "Yes, sir, I sleep."

She turns to Obi-Wan, her eyelids still heavy, "I never see you sleep either. Well, besides just now."

"Well, I do seem to always have something to do. My Padawan can be quite the handful sometimes," he grins.

She smiles and shakes her head, "Very funny."

"All things aside, you did very well today, Kennedy. I'm not sure we would've been as successful if it weren't for your quick thinking."

"Yeah, we could've lost a lot of men today. But you had our backs, like always," Cody punches her shoulder.

"Ah, you flatter me," she blushes, waving her hand.

"We're serious. You saved all of us today," Obi-Wan looks at Kennedy with a proud smile. Kennedy didn't know how to respond. She didn't feel like it was that big of a deal. She was barely the hero. She just smiled sheepishly at the ground as they entered the bridge. A hologram of Master Mundi was waiting for them.

"Ah, Master Kenobi, Padawan Odessa, good to see you in one piece."

"Barely," Kennedy says under her breath.

Obi-Wan glares at Kennedy before returning his attention to Master Mundi. "Yes, it is good to see you as well Master Mundi."

"I bring unfortunate news that Ziro the Hutt has escaped prison with the help of a band of bounty hunters. Return to Corusaunt for the debriefing tomorrow in the council meeting."

"Right, I will see you tomorrow morning then." The hologram flickers off and Obi-Wan sighs.

"Is everything alright, Master?" Kennedy asks.

"Yes, I'm fine, little one." He rests a hand on her shoulder and smiles. Obi-Wan leaves the bridge, leaving Kennedy with Cody. She looks at Cody and shrugs, unsure what was on her Master's mind.


After a good night's rest at the temple, Kennedy walks with Cody to meet Obi-Wan on a Jedi Temple landing dock.

Obi-Wan stood there with his arms crossed, with one hand holding his chin in contemplation. Kennedy could feel his mood from a mile away. She shares a glance with Cody; he notices it too.

She walks up next to him, "You seem...tense."

"Quinlan Vos has that effect."

"Ah, yes. That Jedi has quite a reputation," Cody says.

"That may be overstating it, Cody. Let's just say he's crazy."

Kennedy chuckles, "Worse than Anakin?"

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